On Wed, Dec 16, 2020, at 13:08, Ismael Juma wrote:
> Thanks for all the work on the KIP. Given the magnitude of the KIP, I
> expect that some tweaks will be made as the code is implemented, reviewed
> and tested. I'm overall +1 (binding).

Thanks, Ismael.

> A few comments below:
> 1. It's a bit weird for kafka-storage to output a random uuid. Would it be
> better to have a dedicated command for that?

I'm not sure.  The nice thing about putting it in kafka-storage.sh is that it's 
there when you need it.  I also think that having subcommands, like we do here, 
really reduces the "clutter" that we have in some other command-line tools.  
When you get help about the "info" subcommand, you don't see flags for any 
other subcommand, for example.  I guess we can move this later if it seems more 
intuitive though.

> Also, since we use base64
> encoded uuids nearly everywhere (including cluster and topic ids), it would
> be good to follow that pattern instead of the less compact
> "51380268-1036-410d-a8fc-fb3b55f48033".

Good idea.  I have updated this to use base64 encoded UUIDs.

> 2. This is a nit, but I think it would be better to talk about built-in
> quorum mode instead of KIP-500 mode. It's more self descriptive than a KIP
> reference.

I do like the sound of "quorum mode."  I guess the main question is, if we 
later implement raft quorums for regular topics, would that nomenclature be 
confusing?  I guess we could talk about "metadata quorum mode" to avoid 
confusion.  Hmm.

> 3. Did we consider using `session` (like the group coordinator) instead of
> `regsitration` in `broker.registration.timeout.ms`?

Hmm, broker.session.timeout.ms does sound better.  I changed it to that.

> 4. The flat id space for the controller and broker while requiring a
> different id in embedded mode seems a bit unintuitive. Are there any other
> systems that do this? I know we covered some of the reasons in the "Shared
> IDs between Multiple Nodes" rejected alternatives section, but it didn't
> seem totally convincing to me.

One of my concerns here is that using separate ID spaces for controllers versus 
brokers would potentially lead to metrics or logging collisions.  We can take a 
look at that again once the implementation is further along, I guess, to see 
how often that is a problem in practice.

> 5. With regards to the controller process listening on a separate port, it
> may be worth adding a sentence about the forwarding KIP as that is a main
> reason why the controller port doesn't need to be accessible.

Good idea... I added a short reference to KIP-590 in the "Networking" section.

> 6. The internal topic seems to be called @metadata. I'm personally not
> convinced about the usage of @ in this way. I think I would go with the
> same convention we have used for other existing internal topics.

I knew this one would be controversial :)

I guess the main argument here is that using @ avoids collisions with any 
existing topic.  Leading underscores, even double underscores, can be used by 
users to create new topics, but an "at sign" cannot  It would be nice to have a 
namespace for system topics that we knew nobody else could break into.

> 7. We talk about the metadata.format feature flag. Is this intended to
> allow for single roll upgrades?
> 8. Could the incarnation id be called registration id? Or is there a reason
> why this would be a bad name?

I liked "incarnation id" because it expresses the idea that each new 
incarnation of the broker gets a different one.  I think "registration id" 
might be confused with "the broker id is the ID we're registering."

> 9. Could `CurMetadataOffset` be called `CurrentMetadataOffset` for
> `BrokerRegistrationRequest`? The abbreviation here doesn't seem to help
> much and makes things slightly less readable. It would also make it
> consistent with `BrokerHeartbeatRequest`.

Yeah, the abbreviated name is inconsistent.  I will change it to 

> 10. Should `UnregisterBrokerRecord` be `DeregisterBrokerRecord`?

Hmm, "Register/Unregister" is more consistent with "Fence/Unfence" which is why 
I went with Unregister.  It looks like they're both in the dictionary, so I'm 
not sure if "deregister" has an advantage...

> 11. Broker metrics typically have a PerSec suffix, should we stick with
> that for the `MetadataCommitRate`?


> 12. For the lag metrics, would it be clearer if we included "Offset" in the
> name? In theory, we could have time based lag metrics too. Having said
> that, existing offset lag metrics do seem to just have `Lag` in their name
> without further qualification.

Yeah, I think including Offset does make it a bit clearer.  Added.

> Ismael
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 1:41 PM Colin McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'd like to restart the vote on KIP-631: the quorum-based Kafka
> > Controller.  The KIP is here:
> >
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/4RV4CQ
> >
> > The original DISCUSS thread is here:
> >
> >
> > https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r1ed098a88c489780016d963b065e8cb450a9080a4736457cd25f323c%40%3Cdev.kafka.apache.org%3E
> >
> > There is also a second email DISCUSS thread, which is here:
> >
> >
> > https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/r1ed098a88c489780016d963b065e8cb450a9080a4736457cd25f323c%40%3Cdev.kafka.apache.org%3E
> >
> > Please take a look and vote if you can.
> >
> > best,
> > Colin
> >

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