On Thu, Mar 26, 2020, at 19:24, Kowshik Prakasam wrote:
> Hi Colin,
> Thanks for the feedback! I've changed the KIP to address your 
> suggestions.
> Please find below my explanation. Here is a link to KIP 584:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-584%3A+Versioning+scheme+for+features
> .
> 1. '__data_version__' is the version of the finalized feature metadata
> (i.e. actual ZK node contents), while the '__schema_version__' is the
> version of the schema of the data persisted in ZK. These serve different
> purposes. '__data_version__' is is useful mainly to clients during reads,
> to differentiate between the 2 versions of eventually consistent 'finalized
> features' metadata (i.e. larger metadata version is more recent).
> '__schema_version__' provides an additional degree of flexibility, where if
> we decide to change the schema for '/features' node in ZK (in the future),
> then we can manage broker roll outs suitably (i.e.
> serialization/deserialization of the ZK data can be handled safely).

Hi Kowshik,

If you're talking about a number that lets you know if data is more or less 
recent, we would typically call that an epoch, and not a version.  For the ZK 
data structures, the word "version" is typically reserved for describing 
changes to the overall schema of the data that is written to ZooKeeper.  We 
don't even really change the "version" of those schemas that much, since most 
changes are backwards-compatible.  But we do include that version field just in 

I don't think we really need an epoch here, though, since we can just look at 
the broker epoch.  Whenever the broker registers, its epoch will be greater 
than the previous broker epoch.  And the newly registered data will take 
priority.  This will be a lot simpler than adding a separate epoch system, I 

> 2. Regarding admin client needing min and max information - you are right!
> I've changed the KIP such that the Admin API also allows the user to read
> 'supported features' from a specific broker. Please look at the section
> "Admin API changes".


> 3. Regarding the use of `long` vs `Long` - it was not deliberate. I've
> improved the KIP to just use `long` at all places.

Sounds good.

> 4. Regarding kafka.admin.FeatureCommand tool - you are right! I've updated
> the KIP sketching the functionality provided by this tool, with some
> examples. Please look at the section "Tooling support examples".
> Thank you!

Thanks, Kowshik.


> Cheers,
> Kowshik
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 11:31 PM Colin McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Thanks, Kowshik, this looks good.
> >
> > In the "Schema" section, do we really need both __schema_version__ and
> > __data_version__?  Can we just have a single version field here?
> >
> > Shouldn't the Admin(Client) function have some way to get the min and max
> > information that we're exposing as well?  I guess we could have min, max,
> > and current.  Unrelated: is the use of Long rather than long deliberate
> > here?
> >
> > It would be good to describe how the command line tool
> > kafka.admin.FeatureCommand will work.  For example the flags that it will
> > take and the output that it will generate to STDOUT.
> >
> > cheers,
> > Colin
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, at 17:08, Kowshik Prakasam wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I've opened KIP-584 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KIP-584>
> > > which
> > > is intended to provide a versioning scheme for features. I'd like to use
> > > this thread to discuss the same. I'd appreciate any feedback on this.
> > > Here
> > > is a link to KIP-584:
> > >
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-584%3A+Versioning+scheme+for+features
> > >  .
> > >
> > > Thank you!
> > >
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Kowshik
> > >
> >

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