Thanks, Kowshik, this looks good.

In the "Schema" section, do we really need both __schema_version__ and 
__data_version__?  Can we just have a single version field here?
Shouldn't the Admin(Client) function have some way to get the min and max 
information that we're exposing as well?  I guess we could have min, max, and 
current.  Unrelated: is the use of Long rather than long deliberate here?

It would be good to describe how the command line tool 
kafka.admin.FeatureCommand will work.  For example the flags that it will take 
and the output that it will generate to STDOUT.


On Tue, Mar 24, 2020, at 17:08, Kowshik Prakasam wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've opened KIP-584 <> 
> which
> is intended to provide a versioning scheme for features. I'd like to use
> this thread to discuss the same. I'd appreciate any feedback on this. 
> Here
> is a link to KIP-584:
>  .
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Kowshik

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