Hi all, As you know, the original Auth Manager PR [1] has been closed because it was deemed too big for review. The reviewers, after 4 months, requested to split the PR into smaller PRs and merge them one by one.
I am planning six PRs in total: * Auth Manager API part 1: HTTPRequest, HTTPHeader (prerequisites) * Auth Manager API part 2: AuthManager API * Auth Manager API part 3: OAuth2 Manager * Auth Manager API part 4: RESTClient, HTTPClient changes * Auth Manager API part 5: SigV4 Auth Manager * Auth Manager API part 6: RESTSessionCatalog changes I have already opened the first one [2]. All the others are ready but since they are dependent on the previous PRs, I will wait for the first one to be merged before opening the others. I just wanted to give you a heads up on what to expect in the coming days. It would be good to have this long-awaited feature in the next 1.8.0 release. Also, it is safe to merge the first four PRs above, as until that point, the new API is "unplugged". However, the last two PRs will progressively replace the old API with the new one. So, it would be good to merge them all in the same release. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, Alex [1] https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/10753 [2] https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11769