Hi y’all!

I’m excited to say that we have a lot of great Iceberg V3 Spec PR’s out
right now. V3 Looks like it’s going to be awesome!

A reminder if you haven’t had a chance yet to check them out:

Row Lineage
<https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11130>Materialized Views
<https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11041>Geometric Types
<https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/10981>Type Promotion and Variant

<https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/10955>I’m hoping we can get
consensus on all of these ASAP so we can start working more on
implementations and getting closer to the Iceberg 1.7 release (not that
these are blockers I’m just hoping we can have some functionality ready.)
So if you are interested in any of these please check them out and add any
comments if you have any or just leave a note saying you are in on board.

I also know we should have one additional PR for the new Delete File spec
changes coming soon!

Thanks everyone for your time,

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