Hi Péter, 
>  I have seen requirements for accommodating partitioning scheme changes when 
> the Table has been changed.

This is similar with request I received from users. It’s possible to 
update/refresh the table spec/schema in the next checkpoint without Flink Job 
restart. It requires some extra effort though. It would be great that we can 
support that in the Flink Dynamic Sink. 

> On Aug 20, 2024, at 14:26, Péter Váry <peter.vary.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Fokko, Xianjin,
> Thanks for both proposals, I will take a deeper look soon! Both seems 
> promising at the first glance.
> For the use cases,
> - I have seen requirements for converting incoming Avro records with evolving 
> schema and writing them to a table.
> - I have seen requirements for creating new tables when a new group of 
> records starts to come in.
> - I have seen requirements for accommodating partitioning scheme changes when 
> the Table has been changed.
> The other info used for writing is:
> - branch
> - spec
> Charging the target branch based on the incoming records seems easy, and I 
> was wondering if there is an easy way to alter the table for the target spec. 
> This would make a fully dynamic sink. I don't have a concrete use case ATM, 
> so if it is not trivial, we could just leave it for later.
> What surprised me is that there is no easy way to convert a Transform to a 
> PartitionSpec update.
> Thanks, Peter
> On Mon, Aug 19, 2024, 15:16 Xianjin YE <xian...@apache.org 
> <mailto:xian...@apache.org>> wrote:
>> Hey Péter,
>> For evolving the schema, Spark has the ability to mergeSchema 
>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg/blob/d4e0b3f2078ee5ed113ba69b800c55c5994e33b8/spark/v3.5/spark/src/main/java/org/apache/iceberg/spark/source/SparkWriteBuilder.java#L172>
>>  based into the new incoming Schema, you may want to take a look at that.
>> For evolving the partition spec, I don’t think there’s an easy way to evolve 
>> to the desired spec directly. 
>> And BTW, what’s your user case to evolve the partition spec directly in a 
>> Flink job? The common request I received was that the partition spec is 
>> updated externally and users want the Flink job to pick up the latest spec 
>> without a job restart.
>>> On Aug 19, 2024, at 19:43, Fokko Driesprong <fo...@apache.org 
>>> <mailto:fo...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>> Hey Peter,
>>> Thanks for raising this since I recently ran into the same issue. The APIs 
>>> that we have today nicely hide the field IDs from the user, which is great.
>>> I do think all the methods are in there to evolve the schema to the desired 
>>> one, however, we don't have a way to control the field-IDs. For evolving 
>>> the schema, I recently wrote a  
>>> <https://github.com/delta-io/delta/blob/18f5b4cde2120079e15ad4afc7ec84f7f1f48108/iceberg/src/main/java/shadedForDelta/org/apache/iceberg/EvolveSchemaVisitor.java>SchemaWithParentVisitor
>>> <https://github.com/delta-io/delta/blob/18f5b4cde2120079e15ad4afc7ec84f7f1f48108/iceberg/src/main/java/shadedForDelta/org/apache/iceberg/EvolveSchemaVisitor.java>
>>>  that will evolve the schema to a target schema that you supply. This might 
>>> do the trick for the FlinkDynamicSink. If you want to keep the old fields 
>>> as well (to avoid breaking downstream consumers), then the UnionByName 
>>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg/blob/main/core/src/main/java/org/apache/iceberg/schema/UnionByNameVisitor.java>
>>>  visitor might also do the trick.
>>> The most important part is; where are you tracking the field IDs? For 
>>> example, when renaming a field, the Flink job should update the existing 
>>> field and not perform a drop+add operation.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Fokko
>>> Op ma 19 aug 2024 om 13:26 schreef Péter Váry <peter.vary.apa...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:peter.vary.apa...@gmail.com>>:
>>>> Hi Team,
>>>> I'm playing around with creating a Flink Dynamic Sink which would allow 
>>>> schema changes without the need for job restart. So when a record with an 
>>>> unknown schema arrives, then it would update the Iceberg table to the new 
>>>> schema and continue processing the records.
>>>> Lets's say, I have the `Schema newSchema` and `PartitionSpec newSpec` at 
>>>> hand, and I have the `Table icebergTable` with a different Schema and 
>>>> PartitionSpec. I know, that we have the `Table.updateSchema` and 
>>>> `Table.updateSpec` to modify them, but these methods in the API only allow 
>>>> for incremental changes (addColumn, updateColumn, or addField, 
>>>> removeField). Do we have an existing API for effectively updating the 
>>>> Iceberg Table schema/spec to a new one, if we have the target schema and 
>>>> spec at hand?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Peter

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