Update: Based on the conversations on the incubator list ( https://lists.apache.org/thread/5ojxny76fr7n1y0hs2rxhr55g1fgcsln), I have updated the document title from "guidelines" back to "bylaws". Thanks for pointing this out Carl!
I have also updated the document with a few suggested edits from some people, please let me know what everyone thinks! -Jack On Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 8:30 PM Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote: > HI, > > For some historical context, it used to be that the board / Incubator > asked projects to have a set of bylaws when they graduated. This fell out > of favour more than ten years ago, and projects were expected to follow > documented policy. Before this, things were not as well documented, so we > asked for bylines. Once we had better documentation it was seen that bylaws > were a duplicate of existing policy and no longer required. There was, > however, some confusion around policy, so those short Incubator guidelines > were adopted. Also, remember that most of our policies are, in fact, > guidelines and document one way or what has been found to work well. That > doesn't mean it’s the best fit for a particular project, and if you want to > do something different for a good reason that still fits in with how ASF > projects are governed, you can. > > Kind Regards, > Justin >