To provide an update here, I have consolidated most of the comments in the
initial version, with the following changes:

(1) condensed the section of roles and responsibilities, with pointers to
different pages in ASF and existing Iceberg project pages.

(2) clarified voting details, regrading things like partial votes,
difference of voting on mailing lists vs voting on GitHub PRs

(3) clarified the section regarding lazy consensus. There is a definition
difference between the ASF definition (no +1 vote needed) vs the ORC
definition (1 +1 vote). I renamed the ORC version as "minimum consensus"

(4) updated "Modify Code" vote type to minimum consensus. This is a bit
different from ASF definition for code modification, but I think we are
coming to an agreement that the ASF definition is outdated. Minimum
consensus seems to make the most sense given the way we operate Iceberg so
far, which is basically at least 1 committer other than the author needs to
approve a PR before merging.

(5) updated all decisions regarding committers and PMC members and
guideline updates to majority approval, following the ASF guideline on
voting for procedural issues.

Let me know if there is anything else we see major disagreements with, and
I will organize a vote after 24 hours.

Jack Ye

On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 11:04 AM Jack Ye <> wrote:

> +1 for adding to the site.
> I am putting it as a doc for now since Google doc is easier to comment (I
> think?). My plan is to:
> (1) publish it as a PR after a vote has passed. We can do one more sanity
> check in the PR, but the information will be exactly as it is presented in
> the Google doc, maybe adding some additional links to more easily jump
> among the sections or to other pages in the site, fix some grammar issues
> that were overlooked.
> (2) keep a changelog within the document itself. Because we have moved the
> site multiple times in the past, I am not really confident that we could
> just track history with Git commit history, especially with such an
> important document. I would like to add a changelog section in the end,
> documenting what change has been approved when, with links to devlist
> discussions and votes.
> For how we tackle the other topics, my plan is to pass the initial version
> first, and then we just go through all the identified topics one by one. I
> have a list of all topics in the original feedback collection devlist
> thread.
> Let me know what you think about these plans!
> Best,
> Jack Ye
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 9:04 AM Ryan Blue <>
> wrote:
>> +1 for adding this to the site once we agree on the changes.
>> One thing that has been raised several times but hasn't yet been
>> addressed is how we want to tackle this. Many of us have asked to review
>> the additional bylaws individually and discuss the purpose and merits of
>> each one. It's great to have an overall doc (much like our integrated PRs
>> to give context) but I think we should start having separate discussions
>> about the rationale for each bylaw to make progress.
>> Ryan
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 8:57 AM Micah Kornfield <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jack,
>>> I think it would make sense to convert this to a PR, so it can be
>>> version tracked in the future (and that way it avoids another review if the
>>> intent is to transitition github)?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Micah
>>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 9:07 AM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Thanks for the feedback in the bylaws document discussion thread! As
>>>> suggested, I have removed all the topics that require further debates, and
>>>> created this new doc to serve as the initial version that we can review and
>>>> later vote.
>>>> I will organize new devlist threads to discuss other topics to amend
>>>> the guidelines step by step, once this initial version is in.
>>>> A few additional changes that I have already incorporated:
>>>> 1. modified the name from "bylaws" to "community guidelines", following
>>>> the latest ASF guideline
>>>> 2. renamed "lazy majority" and "lazy 2/3 majority" to "majority
>>>> approval" and "2/3 majority approval"
>>>> 3. changed "Propose Removing Committer", "Propose Removing PMC Member"
>>>> to consensus approval, and added "Propose PMC Chair Change" decision
>>>> following the default Apache project community guidelines.
>>>> 4. changed "Release Product" voting period to 5 days instead of 3 days
>>>> excluding weekends.
>>>> 5. clarified the copyright of code in Apache Iceberg codebases
>>>> The most important thing is probably to agree upon the 2/3 majority
>>>> approval for modifying the project guidelines, so we can have a consistent
>>>> voting method going forward. This initial introduction of the bylaws will
>>>> be voted using consensus approval.
>>>> Please take a look and comment about any additional changes needed, and
>>>> I will host a vote in 3 days.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Jack Ye
>> --
>> Ryan Blue
>> Databricks

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