Nice! I fully agree with the abovementioned. I originally set up the
stalebot for the issues because I noticed that there were many issues
around old Spark versions that weren't even maintained anymore. I feel it
is better to either close or take action on an issue. For me, it makes
sense to extend this to PRs as well.

Same as Amogh said, always feel free to ping me when either a PR or issue
lingering and you need some eyes on it.

Kind regards,

Op do 4 jan 2024 om 07:42 schreef Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>:

> Hi
> That's also the purpose of the reviewers file: having multiple
> reviewers per tag.
> Thanks guys for your feedback, I will move forward with the PR :)
> Regards
> JB
> On Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 6:38 AM Ajantha Bhat <> wrote:
> >
> > +1,
> >
> > Some of my PRs have been open for a long time and sometimes it doesn't
> get the attention it requires.
> > Notifying both the reviewer and the author can help expedite the review
> process and facilitate quicker handling of new contributions.
> > I think having more than one committer assigned for PR can also
> definitely help in speeding up the process if one of the committer is busy
> or on holiday.
> >
> > But we also need to think on the next steps. What if we still don't
> receive the necessary response even after sending notifications?
> > Should we have a slack channel for those PRs to conclude by discussing
> (or some guidelines on how to take it further).
> >
> > We can have a trial run for some days and see how it goes.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ajantha
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 8:19 AM Amogh Jahagirdar <>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> +1, I think this is a step in the right direction. One other
> consideration I wanted to bring up was dependabot and if there's any unique
> handling we want to do there because I've noticed that PRs from dependabot
> tend to pile up. I think with the proposal we won't really need to do
> anything unique and just treat it as a normal PR (it would be a build label
> with its own set of reviewers) and we'll get notified the same way.
> >>
> >> I'll also say for reviews (speaking for myself, but I think many others
> probably feel this way as well), always feel free to ping on Slack and
> follow up :) But overall I do like having more of a mechanism.

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