
My team did an initial manual review of the Trino backlog and we found a
lot of value there.

1) We found 3 PRs that were ready for merge but accidentally missed the
boat for deployment.
2) We revived a few older PRs where there was actual interest from the
3) With the PR count down, maintainers could triage easier.

I think the manual part helped us catch a few things that we may not have
with a stale bot, but the cost/reward ratio was likely not worth it.

I do think it would be valuable to add in our current message a very clear
follow up action to that notifies a human to get involved. In Trino we had
a dedicated group to tag and one of us would respond and figure out who to
hand it off to.

On Wed, Jan 3, 2024 at 7:18 PM John Zhuge <jzh...@apache.org> wrote:

> +1 good idea
> On Wed, Jan 3, 2024 at 5:15 PM Renjie Liu <liurenjie2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> +1 for this enhancement.
>> On Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 2:19 AM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> +1, sounds like a good idea to clean up stale PRs.
>>> -Jack
>>> On Wed, Jan 3, 2024 at 9:52 AM Russell Spitzer <
>>> russell.spit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I definitely need something to keep emailing me, so I support this.
>>>> On Wed, Jan 3, 2024 at 7:52 AM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> We have several examples where  we have some kind of "stale" PRs,
>>>>> either because we are waiting for a review, or we are waiting for
>>>>> changes from the contributor.
>>>>> We are already using two jobs around issues/PRs:
>>>>> - labeler to label PRs depending of the Iceberg modules change scope
>>>>> - stale to stale/close issues (we don't touch PRs in stale job today)
>>>>> In order to "improve" the PRs flow, I would like to propose the
>>>>> following:
>>>>> 1. We keep our labeler as it is. I propose to add
>>>>> .github/reviewers.yml to automatically add reviewers depending on the
>>>>> labels. It would look like (this is just an example, I will do a more
>>>>> concrete setup in a PR if there are no objection):
>>>>> labels:
>>>>>   - name: API
>>>>>     reviewers:
>>>>>       - rdblue
>>>>>       - aokolnychyi
>>>>>       - Fokko
>>>>>     exclusionList: []
>>>>>   - name: CORE
>>>>>     reviewers:
>>>>>       - rdblue
>>>>>       - Fokko
>>>>>       - nastra
>>>>>     exclusionList: []
>>>>>   - name: FLINK
>>>>>     reviewers:
>>>>>       - nastra
>>>>>     exclusionList: []
>>>>>    ...
>>>>>   fallbackReviewers:
>>>>>     - rdblue
>>>>>     - Fokko
>>>>>     - nastra
>>>>>     - jbonofre
>>>>> 2. We can update the stale job to add a reminder message to
>>>>> reviewer/contributor on PR. For instance, something like:
>>>>> name: Mark and close stale issues and pull requests
>>>>> on:
>>>>>   schedule:
>>>>>   - cron: '0 0 * * *'
>>>>>   workflow_dispatch:
>>>>> permissions: read-all
>>>>> jobs:
>>>>>   stale:
>>>>>     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
>>>>>     permissions:
>>>>>       issues: write
>>>>>       pull-requests: write
>>>>>     steps:
>>>>>     - uses: actions/stale@v9
>>>>>       with:
>>>>>           stale-issue-label: 'stale'
>>>>>           exempt-issue-labels: 'not-stale'
>>>>>           days-before-issue-stale: 180
>>>>>           days-before-issue-close: 14
>>>>>           stale-issue-message: >
>>>>>             This issue has been automatically marked as stale because
>>>>> it has been open for 180 days
>>>>>             with no activity. It will be closed in the next 14 days if
>>>>> no further activity occurs. To
>>>>>             permanently prevent this issue from being considered
>>>>> stale, add the label 'not-stale',
>>>>>             but commenting on the issue is preferred when possible.
>>>>>           close-issue-message: >
>>>>>             This issue has been closed because it has not received any
>>>>> activity in the last 14 days
>>>>>             since being marked as 'stale'
>>>>>           stale-pr-message: 'This pull request has been marked as
>>>>> stale due to 15 days of inactivity. It will be closed in 1 week if no
>>>>> further activity occurs. If you think that’s incorrect or this pull
>>>>> request requires a review, please simply write any comment. If closed,
>>>>> you can revive the PR at any time and @mention a reviewer or discuss
>>>>> it on the dev@iceberg.apache.org list. Thank you for your
>>>>> contributions.'
>>>>>           close-pr-message: 'This pull request has been closed due to
>>>>> lack of activity. If you think that is incorrect, or the pull request
>>>>> requires review, you can revive the PR at any time.'
>>>>>         stale-pr-label: 'stale'
>>>>>         days-before-pr-stale: 15
>>>>>         days-before-pr-close: 7
>>>>>         exempt-pr-labels: "pinned,security"
>>>>>         operations-per-run: 100
>>>>> Thoughts ?
>>>>> PS: I did set up this on Apache Beam for example, and we did speed up
>>>>> the review and PR flows.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> JB
> --
> John Zhuge

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