Delta now exposes this functionality as a command, and some groups (like
ours) have some internal functionality for doing this. I think it's worth
reconsidering this as a first class procedure in the Iceberg-Spark module
since we get a lot of requests about it and now position deletes are a bit
more complicated.

On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 5:35 PM Wing Yew Poon <>

> Aren't we forgetting about position delete files? If the table has
> position delete files, then those contain absolute file paths as well.
> We cannot add them to the table as-is. We need to rewrite them. This, I
> think, is the most painful part of replicating an Iceberg table.
> - Wing Yew
> On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 5:23 PM Fokko Driesprong <> wrote:
>> Hi Dongjun,
>> Thanks for reaching out on the mailinglist. Another option might be to
>> copy the data, and then use a Spark procedure, called add_files
>> <> to
>> add the files to the table. Let me know if this works for you.
>> Kind regards,
>> Fokko
>> Op za 2 dec 2023 om 02:43 schreef Ajantha Bhat <>:
>>> Hi,
>>> You are right. Moving Iceberg tables from storage and expecting them to
>>> function at the new location is not currently feasible.
>>> The issue lies in the metadata files, which store the absolute path.
>>> To address this, we need support for relative paths, but it appears that
>>> progress on this front has been slow.
>>> You can monitor the status of this feature at
>>> As a temporary fix, you can use the CTAS method to create a duplicate
>>> copy of the table at the desired new path.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ajantha
>>> On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 10:01 PM Dongjun Hwang <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello! My name is Dongjun Hwang.
>>>> I recently performed distcp on the iceberg table in Hadoop.
>>>> Data search was not possible because all file paths in the metadata
>>>> directory were not changed.
>>>> Is there a way to distcp the iceberg table?
>>>> thang you!!

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