
You are right. Moving Iceberg tables from storage and expecting them to
function at the new location is not currently feasible.
The issue lies in the metadata files, which store the absolute path.

To address this, we need support for relative paths, but it appears that
progress on this front has been slow.
You can monitor the status of this feature at

As a temporary fix, you can use the CTAS method to create a duplicate copy
of the table at the desired new path.


On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 10:01 PM Dongjun Hwang <enter09...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello! My name is Dongjun Hwang.
> I recently performed distcp on the iceberg table in Hadoop.
> Data search was not possible because all file paths in the metadata
> directory were not changed.
> Is there a way to distcp the iceberg table?
> thang you!!

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