Thanks Steve and Ryan for the reply.

Steve, I am not looking for CTAS, my goal is to create an Iceberg table and
reuse the existing data (same as the create table like statement above).
Also my question is not about specifying location in create statement.

Ryan, the engine we are interested in is SparkSQL. Since you mentioned it
is an easy fix, would you please share how that should be implemented such
that anyone (maybe myself) interested in this can explore the solution?

Thanks both again.

On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 4:07 PM Ryan Blue <> wrote:

> Pucheng, what engine are you interested in?
> This works fine in Trino: CREATE TABLE table_copy (LIKE source_table
> I don’t know if it works in Hive, and last time I checked it was not
> implemented for DSv2 in Spark. The Spark problem should be an easy fix.
> Ryan
> On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 2:43 PM Steve Zhang
> <> wrote:
>> Hey Pengcheng,
>>    Are you looking for CTAS as in
>> I
>> think you can also specify explicit location as part of create statement in
>> Thanks,
>> Steve Zhang
>> On Apr 25, 2023, at 1:46 PM, Pucheng Yang <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I wonder how folks in the community deal with the cases where you want to
>> create a test table from an existing iceberg table? In Hive, what we
>> normally do is to run a query "create table x like y location z". But we
>> can't do this for the Iceberg table.
>> If this is a feature that is missing, should we collaborate to build a
>> similar feature?
>> Thanks
> --
> Ryan Blue
> Tabular

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