Pucheng, what engine are you interested in?

This works fine in Trino: CREATE TABLE table_copy (LIKE source_table

I don’t know if it works in Hive, and last time I checked it was not
implemented for DSv2 in Spark. The Spark problem should be an easy fix.


On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 2:43 PM Steve Zhang <hongyue_zh...@apple.com.invalid>

> Hey Pengcheng,
>    Are you looking for CTAS as in
> https://iceberg.apache.org/docs/latest/spark-ddl/#create-table--as-select? I
> think you can also specify explicit location as part of create statement in
> https://iceberg.apache.org/docs/latest/spark-ddl/#create-table
> Thanks,
> Steve Zhang
> On Apr 25, 2023, at 1:46 PM, Pucheng Yang <py...@pinterest.com.INVALID>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wonder how folks in the community deal with the cases where you want to
> create a test table from an existing iceberg table? In Hive, what we
> normally do is to run a query "create table x like y location z". But we
> can't do this for the Iceberg table.
> If this is a feature that is missing, should we collaborate to build a
> similar feature?
> Thanks

Ryan Blue

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