+1 I checked sigs/sums/license/tests. I ran through the CLI commands with REST Catalog and a few with Hive Metastore.
Minor issues (non-blockers): - Miss configuration with uri / credentials often resulted in confusing errors (asking to set the fields which were already supplied). - I wasn't able to get the environment variables to work in some cases (possibly user error, command line arguments worked fine). A few minor notes on the verification process: - some of the instructions (like gpg check) had RC reference, but that's not the binary being checked - the license check is a little hard to know if it passed or not. It would be great if it gave a pass/fail at the end On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 1:01 PM Ryan Blue <b...@tabular.io> wrote: > Thanks for the clarification, Fokko! > > I think it makes sense that I'd get an RC version from what was published > as an RC on PyPI! Since we will publish a final artifact with the right > version and none of the files in the release candidate are affected (it's > correct in the tarball and whl files) then I'll change my vote to +1. > > Ryan > > On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 12:30 AM Driesprong, Fokko <fo...@driesprong.frl> > wrote: > >> Thanks everyone for giving it a try. >> >> I should have explained the version on PyPI. We need to add the RC >> postfix to the version when we upload it to PyPI for testing. PyPI will >> extract the version from the setup.py, and omitting the RC would mean an >> actual release. The tarball will just contain the version without the RC. >> >> To avoid confusion in the future, I would suggest to hardcode the version >> instead of looking it up from the currently installed version: >> https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/5854 This makes it more clear, >> the only thing is that we need to bump two versions after a release. This >> is very little effort and will reduce the ambiguity around the version. For >> clarity, I also created a PR with the updated release instructions: >> https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/5856 >> >> I would suggest a new RC after we decide on #5854 >> >> Thanks, >> Fokko >> >> >> >> >> Op ma 26 sep. 2022 om 07:30 schreef Steve Zhang >> <hongyue_zh...@apple.com.invalid>: >> >>> +0 (non-binding and it’s just version needs to be fixed ) >>> >>> Passing: >>> Verified LICENSE in the tarball >>> Checked sha512 sums and signatures >>> Installed the CLI and ran basic commands with a hive metastore and AWS S3 >>> Ran tests (on Docker python 3.9 image some pyarrow tests failed w/ >>> permission issue but in local they are fine) >>> >>> Issues: >>> - same version issue as Ryan pointed out >>> >>> Thanks, >>> Steve Zhang >>> >>> >>> >>> On Sep 25, 2022, at 10:37 AM, Ryan Blue <b...@tabular.io> wrote: >>> >>> +0 >>> >>> Looks great, except that the version isn’t correct: >>> pyiceberg.__version__ returns 0.1.0rc2 >>> >>> Passing: >>> >>> - Verified LICENSE and NOTICE content in the tarball and whl (nit: >>> NOTICE and LICENSE are in different directories) >>> - Checked sha512 sums and signatures >>> - Ran RAT checks (nit: the poetry.lock file is not excluded if you >>> create it) >>> - Ran tests >>> - Installed the CLI and ran basic commands with a REST metastore >>> >>> Issues: >>> >>> - pyiceberg.__version__ returns 0.1.0rc2 instead of 0.1.0 >>> >>> >>> On Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 12:51 PM Driesprong, Fokko <fo...@apache.org> >>> wrote: >>> >>>> Hi Everyone, >>>> >>>> Thanks everyone for giving it a try and for the feedback. Much >>>> appreciated! I'm canceling RC1 because the version of the package >>>> itself was tagged with RC1. This doesn't allow us to release the code as is >>>> since we would have to remove the RC postfix. >>>> >>>> Other things to make the release smoother: >>>> >>>> - Include the Makefile to the source distribution to make the >>>> reviewing easier (see new commands below). >>>> - Include NOTICE to the source distribution. >>>> - Include a license checker in the source distribution to easily >>>> check the licenses. >>>> - Fixed the path in the checksum, so we can use shasum -c (see >>>> below). >>>> >>>> I propose that we release the following RC as the official PyIceberg >>>> 0.1.0 release. >>>> >>>> The commit ID is 83e3ab0b9fb57890d63130499e84c55b91fc0c17 >>>> >>>> - This corresponds to the tag: pyiceberg-0.1.0rc2 >>>> (289b4737d772260d7967c028bbb3f9a07e295ea8) >>>> - https://github.com/apache/iceberg/releases/tag/pyiceberg-0.1.0rc2 >>>> - >>>> >>>> https://github.com/apache/iceberg/tree/83e3ab0b9fb57890d63130499e84c55b91fc0c17 >>>> - Difference between RC1 and RC2: >>>> >>>> https://github.com/apache/iceberg/compare/pyiceberg-0.1.0rc1...pyiceberg-0.1.0rc2 >>>> >>>> >>>> The release tarball, signature, and checksums are here: >>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/iceberg/pyiceberg-0.1.0rc2/ >>>> >>>> You can find the KEYS file here: >>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/iceberg/KEYS >>>> >>>> You can run the following to check the signature: >>>> > wget https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/iceberg/KEYS >>>> > gpg --import KEYS >>>> > gpg --verify pyiceberg-0.1.0rc2.tar.gz.asc pyiceberg-0.1.0rc2.tar.gz >>>> gpg: Signature made za 24 sep 21:07:12 2022 CEST >>>> gpg: using RSA key >>>> FCD3779E399C53D995FC82A35171BA3E54493550 >>>> gpg: Good signature from "Fokko Driesprong <fo...@apache.org>" >>>> [ultimate] >>>> >>>> >>>> And check the checksums: >>>> > shasum -c pyiceberg-0.1.0.tar.gz.sha512 >>>> pyiceberg-0.1.0.tar.gz: OK >>>> >>>> Convenience binary artifacts are staged on pypi: >>>> https://pypi.org/project/pyiceberg/0.1.0rc2/ >>>> >>>> And can be installed using: pip3 install pyiceberg==0.1.0rc2 >>>> >>>> Testing can be done using: >>>> >>>> > wget >>>> https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/iceberg/pyiceberg-0.1.0rc2/pyiceberg-0.1.0.tar.gz >>>> > tar -xf pyiceberg-0.1.0.tar.gz >>>> > cd pyiceberg-0.1.0 >>>> > make check-license >>>> > make install && make test >>>> >>>> Please download, verify, and test. >>>> >>>> Please vote in the next 96 hours (extended due to the weekend). >>>> [ ] +1 Release this as PyIceberg 0.1.0 >>>> [ ] +0 >>>> [ ] -1 Do not release this because... >>>> >>>> Please don't hesitate to reach out if there are any questions, >>>> >>>> Kind regards, >>>> Fokko >>>> >>>> >>> >>> -- >>> Ryan Blue >>> Tabular >>> >>> >>> > > -- > Ryan Blue > Tabular >