Thanks for bringing this up Jeff!

Normally I agree, it’s not a good practice to change artifact name.
However, in this case, the artifact has changed already. The
“spark3-runtime” used to be for all versions of Spark 3 (at the time Spark
3.0 and 3.1). It no longer is, as it’s only tested / used with Spark 3.0.

I encounter many users who have upgraded to newer versions of Spark, but
have not upgraded the artifact to the newly versioned by Spark name system
as “spark3-runtime” sounds like it encompasses all versions. And they
encounter subtle bugs and it’s not a great user experience to solve
upgrading that way.

These users are, however, updating the Iceberg artifact to the new versions.

So I think in this case, breaking naming has benefits. As users who go to
upgrade when new Iceberg version are released, and their dependency is not
found, they will hopefully check maven and see the new naming convention /

So I support option 2 also, with naming with Spark and Scala versions.
Otherwise, we continue to see people using the old “spark3-runtime” as they
upgrade Spark versions and encounter subtle errors (class not found, wrong
type signatures due to version mismatch).

Users eventually have to upgrade their pom if / when they upgrade Spark,
due to incompatibility. This way at least, breaking will be loud as there’s
won’t be a new Iceberg version,

Is it possible to mark to the old spark3-runtime / spark-runtime as
deprecated or otherwise point to the new artifacts in Maven?

- Kyle

On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 9:41 PM Jeff Zhang <> wrote:

> I don't think it is best practice to just change the artifact name of
> published jars. Unless we publish a new version with the new naming
> convention.
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 12:36 PM Jack Ye <> wrote:
>> I think option 2 is ideal, but I don't know if there is any hard
>> requirement from ASF/Maven Central side for us to keep backwards
>> compatibility of package names published in maven. If there is a
>> requirement then we cannot change it.
>> As a mitigation, I stated in
>> that Spark 2.4 and 3.0
>> jar names do not follow the naming convention of newer versions for
>> backwards compatibility.
>> Best,
>> Jack Ye
>> On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 7:03 PM OpenInx <> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone
>>> The current spark2.4, spark3.0 have the following unaligned runtime
>>> artifact names:
>>> # Spark 2.4
>>> iceberg-spark-runtime-0.13.1.jar
>>> # Spark 3.0
>>> iceberg-spark3-runtime-0.13.1.jar
>>> # Spark 3.1
>>> iceberg-spark-runtime-3.1_2.12-0.13.1.jar
>>> # Spark 3.2
>>> iceberg-spark-runtime-3.2_2.12-0.13.1.jar
>>> From the spark 3.1 and spark 3.2's runtime artifact names, we can easily
>>> recognize:
>>> 1. What's the spark major version that the runtime jar is attached to
>>> 2. What's the spark scala version that the runtime jar is compiled with
>>> But for spark 3.0 and spark 2.4,  it's not easy to understand what's the
>>> above information.  I think we kept those legacy names because they were
>>> introduced in older iceberg releases and we wanted to avoid changing the
>>> modules that users depend on and opted not to rename, but they are indeed
>>> causing confusion for the new community users.
>>> In general,   we have two options:
>>> Option#1:  keep the current artifact names, that mean spark 2.4 & spark
>>> 3.0 will always use the iceberg-spark-runtime-<iceberg-version>.jar and
>>> iceberg-spark3-runtime-<iceberg-version>.jar until them get retired in the
>>> apache iceberg official repo.
>>> Option#2:  Change the spark2.4 & spark3.0's artifact names to the
>>> generic name format:
>>> iceberg-spark-runtime-<spark-major.minor>_<scala-version>-<iceberg-version>.jar.
>>>  It makes sharing all the consistent name format between all the spark
>>> versions.
>>> Personally, I'd prefer option#2 because that looks more friendly for new
>>> community users (although it will require the old users to change their
>>> pom.xml to the new version).
>>> What is your preference ?
>>> Reference:
>>> 1.  Created a PR to change the artifact names and we had few discussions
>>> there.
>>> 2.
> --
> Best Regards
> Jeff Zhang

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