I think option 2 is ideal, but I don't know if there is any hard
requirement from ASF/Maven Central side for us to keep backwards
compatibility of package names published in maven. If there is a
requirement then we cannot change it.

As a mitigation, I stated in https://iceberg.apache.org/multi-engine-support
that Spark 2.4 and 3.0 jar names do not follow the naming convention of
newer versions for backwards compatibility.

Jack Ye

On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 7:03 PM OpenInx <open...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> The current spark2.4, spark3.0 have the following unaligned runtime
> artifact names:
> # Spark 2.4
> iceberg-spark-runtime-0.13.1.jar
> # Spark 3.0
> iceberg-spark3-runtime-0.13.1.jar
> # Spark 3.1
> iceberg-spark-runtime-3.1_2.12-0.13.1.jar
> # Spark 3.2
> iceberg-spark-runtime-3.2_2.12-0.13.1.jar
> From the spark 3.1 and spark 3.2's runtime artifact names, we can easily
> recognize:
> 1. What's the spark major version that the runtime jar is attached to
> 2. What's the spark scala version that the runtime jar is compiled with
> But for spark 3.0 and spark 2.4,  it's not easy to understand what's the
> above information.  I think we kept those legacy names because they were
> introduced in older iceberg releases and we wanted to avoid changing the
> modules that users depend on and opted not to rename, but they are indeed
> causing confusion for the new community users.
> In general,   we have two options:
> Option#1:  keep the current artifact names, that mean spark 2.4 & spark
> 3.0 will always use the iceberg-spark-runtime-<iceberg-version>.jar and
> iceberg-spark3-runtime-<iceberg-version>.jar until them get retired in the
> apache iceberg official repo.
> Option#2:  Change the spark2.4 & spark3.0's artifact names to the generic
> name format:
> iceberg-spark-runtime-<spark-major.minor>_<scala-version>-<iceberg-version>.jar.
>  It makes sharing all the consistent name format between all the spark
> versions.
> Personally, I'd prefer option#2 because that looks more friendly for new
> community users (although it will require the old users to change their
> pom.xml to the new version).
> What is your preference ?
> Reference:
> 1.  Created a PR to change the artifact names and we had few discussions
> there. https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/4158
> 2.  https://github.com/apache/iceberg-docs/pull/27#discussion_r800297155

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