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[jira] [Created] (FLINK-37004) Implement Multithreaded SourceReader
Hong Liang Teoh (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-37003) Implement async state version of Datastream Interval join
Zakelly Lan (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-37002) Migrate DecomposeGroupingSetsRule
Jacky Lau (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-37001) Remove all direct uses of `TableEnvironmentInternal#registerTableSinkInternal` in table module
xuyang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-37000) MySQL CDC could not handle date and time data prior to unix epoch
yux (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36999) Null pointer exception when the source field type is decimal and the value is null
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36998) The RowKind of data about globalUpsertResult is different in KeyedUpsertingSinkFunction while being inserted or be restored
xuyang (Jira)
[DISCUSS] FLIP-499: Support Event Time by Generalized Watermark in DataStream V2
Xu Huang
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-499: Support Event Time by Generalized Watermark in DataStream V2
Anil Dasari
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-499: Support Event Time by Generalized Watermark in DataStream V2
Xu Huang
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-499: Support Event Time by Generalized Watermark in DataStream V2
Anil Dasari
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-499: Support Event Time by Generalized Watermark in DataStream V2
Xu Huang
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-499: Support Event Time by Generalized Watermark in DataStream V2
Junrui Lee
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-499: Support Event Time by Generalized Watermark in DataStream V2
Xu Huang
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-499: Support Event Time by Generalized Watermark in DataStream V2
Anil Dasari
[DISSCUSS] Removing default error methods from the new public api stack in the table api when it implements both the new and deprecated public api stacks and the old stack is removed
Re:[DISSCUSS] Removing default error methods from the new public api stack in the table api when it implements both the new and deprecated public api stacks and the old stack is removed
Re:Re:[DISSCUSS] Removing default error methods from the new public api stack in the table api when it implements both the new and deprecated public api stacks and the old stack is removed
Re: Re:[DISSCUSS] Removing default error methods from the new public api stack in the table api when it implements both the new and deprecated public api stacks and the old stack is removed
Feng Jin
Re: Re:[DISSCUSS] Removing default error methods from the new public api stack in the table api when it implements both the new and deprecated public api stacks and the old stack is removed
Ron Liu
Re:Re: Re:[DISSCUSS] Removing default error methods from the new public api stack in the table api when it implements both the new and deprecated public api stacks and the old stack is removed
Extend Flink jdbc Trino supported types
Christopher Teoh
[DISCUSS] FLIP-498: AsyncTableFunction for async table function support
Alan Sheinberg
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-498: AsyncTableFunction for async table function support
Timo Walther
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-498: AsyncTableFunction for async table function support
Dawid Wysakowicz
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-498: AsyncTableFunction for async table function support
Alan Sheinberg
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-498: AsyncTableFunction for async table function support
Alan Sheinberg
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-498: AsyncTableFunction for async table function support
Timo Walther
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-498: AsyncTableFunction for async table function support
Fabian Hüske
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-498: AsyncTableFunction for async table function support
Alan Sheinberg
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36997) Add Log4j JSONTemplateLayout to Flink-Dist
Ryan van Huuksloot (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36996) The schema and namespace of MySQL pipeline connector metadata are reversed
Thorne (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36995) Support REPLACE MATERIALIZED TABLE AS statement
Feng Jin (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36994) Support Alter Materialized Table As Query
Feng Jin (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36993) FLIP-492: Support Query Modifications for Materialized Tables
Feng Jin (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36992) Migrate SplitAggregateRule
Jacky Lau (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36991) NPE in BinarySegmentUtils
[RESULT][VOTE] FLIP-492: Support Query Modifications for Materialized Tables
Feng Jin
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36990) SchemaRegistry fails on failover due to NPE exception caught while executing runnable in main thread
zjjiang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36988) Migrate LogicalCorrelateToJoinFromTemporalTableFunctionRule
Jacky Lau (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36987) Mismatched docs with current active ES table connector
Yun Tang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36986) Migrate SplitRemoteConditionFromJoinRule
Jacky Lau (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36985) remove Catalog.ColumnAlreadyExistException when apply applyAddColumnEventWithPosition in paimon
hiliuxg (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36984) Support precision of SQL FLOOR and CEIL functions for TimeStampLtz
Hanyu Zheng (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36983) Observing unreliable IO metrics
Anurag Kyal (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36982) Failed to run pipeline if using `DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), 'yyyy-MM-dd') as datetime` in
Yanquan Lv (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36981) The bug of transform merging with route in YAML task
Wenkai Qi (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36980) Build a new introductory practice "Streaming ELT from MySQL to Kafka"
sukang (Jira)
[REMINDER] 2 weeks away from release 2.0 feature freeze
Xintong Song
[VOTE] FLIP-492: Support Query Modifications for Materialized Tables
Feng Jin
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-492: Support Query Modifications for Materialized Tables
Ron Liu
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-492: Support Query Modifications for Materialized Tables
Lincoln Lee
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-492: Support Query Modifications for Materialized Tables
Yuepeng Pan
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-492: Support Query Modifications for Materialized Tables
Shengkai Fang
Re:Re: [VOTE] FLIP-492: Support Query Modifications for Materialized Tables
Re: Re: [VOTE] FLIP-492: Support Query Modifications for Materialized Tables
Feng Jin
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36979) Revert netty bump for 1.20 and 1.19
Matthias Pohl (Jira)
Memory leak in pekko's Netty 4 transport.
Re: Memory leak in pekko's Netty 4 transport.
PJ Fanning
Re: Memory leak in pekko's Netty 4 transport.
Matthias Pohl
Re: Memory leak in pekko's Netty 4 transport.
Re: Memory leak in pekko's Netty 4 transport.
Alexander Fedulov
Re: Memory leak in pekko's Netty 4 transport.
PJ Fanning
Re: Memory leak in pekko's Netty 4 transport.
Re: Memory leak in pekko's Netty 4 transport.
Ferenc Csaky
Re: Memory leak in pekko's Netty 4 transport.
He Pin
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36978) Fix the bug where the command-line option `from-savepoint` is invalid in K8s deployment mode.
hiliuxg (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36977) paimon apply default value options when apply add column_schema change
hiliuxg (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36976) Bump jackson to 2.18.2
Sergey Nuyanzin (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36975) Invalid ConfigOption for "aws.credentials.provider.role.provider" in AWSConfigOptions
Mohsen Rezaei (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36974) support overwrite flink config by command line
hiliuxg (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36973) udf dateformat support LocalZonedTimestampData
hiliuxg (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36972) Unify AWS sink implementation
Ahmed Hamdy (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36971) Add Sqs Sink SQL connector
Ahmed Hamdy (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36969) Merge result of data type BIGINT and DOUBLE should be DOUBLE instead of STRING
Xiao Huang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36970) Merge result of data type BIGINT and DOUBLE should be DOUBLE instead of STRING
Xiao Huang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36968) The "values" lookup table used for testing does not deduplicate data with the same key.
xuyang (Jira)
[Discuss] Kafka Enumerator assigns splits based on the current assignment situation.
Hongshun Wang
Re: [Discuss] Kafka Enumerator assigns splits based on the current assignment situation.
Ahmed Hamdy
Re: [Discuss] Kafka Enumerator assigns splits based on the current assignment situation.
Hongshun Wang
Re: [Discuss] Kafka Enumerator assigns splits based on the current assignment situation.
Hongshun Wang
Re: [Discuss] Kafka Enumerator assigns splits based on the current assignment situation.
Ahmed Hamdy
Re: [Discuss] Kafka Enumerator assigns splits based on the current assignment situation.
Hongshun Wang
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36967) Bump dependency of Paimon Pipeline connector to 0.9.0
Jeff Yang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36966) Bump mockito to 5.x
Sergey Nuyanzin (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36965) Enable to allow re-create the pod watch with many retries on k8s cluster failure
Yun Tang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36964) Fix potential exception when SchemaChange in parallel with Paimon Sink.
Yanquan Lv (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36963) Wrong context maintain around `asyncProcessWithKey`
Zakelly Lan (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36962) push down non-deterministic filter after stream join to source by mistake
Shuai Xu (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36961) Wait ForSt state excutor shutdown when disposing
Yanfei Lei (Jira)
[RESULT][VOTE] FLIP-467: Introduce Generalized Watermarks
Xu Huang
[Discuss] FLIP-485: Flink UDF metrics
Linda Li
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36960) FLIP-467 Introduce Generalized Watermarks for DataStream V2
xuhuang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36959) Computing readable buffer offsets and sizes when including empty buffers fails.
Junrui Lee (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36958) Support pipeline-connector-kafka to reuse csv, canal-json and debezium-json Format Options
MOBIN (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36957) Implement async StreamFlatMap
Yanfei Lei (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36956) Pipeline transform should deduce PK column types to be NOT NULL
yux (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36955) Migrate RewriteIntersectAllRule
Jacky Lau (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36954) Migrate CalcRankTransposeRule
Jacky Lau (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36953) FLIP-497: Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36952) fix mongodb chinese doc
Thorne (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36951) Migrate ProjectSemiAntiJoinTransposeRule
Jacky Lau (Jira)
[DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang
Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang
Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Xingcan Cui
Re:Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Query Regarding encryption support in RocksDB
Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang
Re:Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang
Re:Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Venkatakrishnan Sowrirajan
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Venkatakrishnan Sowrirajan
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Venkatakrishnan Sowrirajan
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Xingcan Cui
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Venkatakrishnan Sowrirajan
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Becket Qin
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Becket Qin
Re: Re: Re: Re: [DISCUSS] Early Fire Support for Flink SQL Interval Join
Weiqing Yang
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36950) Migrate WindowPropertiesRules
Jacky Lau (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36949) Make getCurrentKey of async state operators return the ground truth
Zakelly Lan (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36948) Drop deprecated FlinkMatchers
Sergey Nuyanzin (Jira)
Slack Invite
Fadojutimi, Bowofola (Toye)
Re: Slack Invite
Yun Tang
[VOTE] FLIP-493: Add K8S conditions to CRD's Status
Lajith Koova
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-493: Add K8S conditions to CRD's Status
gyula . fora
RE: [VOTE] FLIP-493: Add K8S conditions to CRD's Status
David Radley
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-493: Add K8S conditions to CRD's Status
gyula . fora
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-493: Add K8S conditions to CRD's Status
Maximilian Michels
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-493: Add K8S conditions to CRD's Status
Rui Fan
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-493: Add K8S conditions to CRD's Status
Alexander Fedulov
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-493: Add K8S conditions to CRD's Status
Yuepeng Pan
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-493: Add K8S conditions to CRD's Status
Lajith Koova
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36947) Rate limiting the GetRecord call frequency
Burak Ozakinci (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36946) optimize sink operator name truncate
tartarus (Jira)
[VOTE] FLIP-494: Add missing createTable/createView methods to TableEnvironment
Sergey Nuyanzin
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-494: Add missing createTable/createView methods to TableEnvironment
Ron Liu
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-494: Add missing createTable/createView methods to TableEnvironment
Yuepeng Pan
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-494: Add missing createTable/createView methods to TableEnvironment
Feng Jin
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-494: Add missing createTable/createView methods to TableEnvironment
Dawid Wysakowicz
Re:Re: [VOTE] FLIP-494: Add missing createTable/createView methods to TableEnvironment
Re: Re: [VOTE] FLIP-494: Add missing createTable/createView methods to TableEnvironment
Sergey Nuyanzin
Re: Re: [VOTE] FLIP-494: Add missing createTable/createView methods to TableEnvironment
Sergey Nuyanzin
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36945) MySQL CDC internal schema representation becomes out of sync with the real database schema when restarting a job
Yohei Yoshimuta (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36944) Introduce 'enableAsycState' in DataStream v1 interfaces
Zakelly Lan (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36943) FLIP-488: Expose Async State Processing and New State APIs in Datastream(V1) APIs
Zakelly Lan (Jira)
[RESULT][VOTE] FLIP-488: Expose Async State Processing and New State APIs in Datastream(V1) APIs
Zakelly Lan
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36942) Unable to trigger onEventTime() when using the async state API in RowTimestamportOperator
Wang Qilong (Jira)
[VOTE] FLIP-467: Introduce Generalized Watermarks
Xu Huang
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-467: Introduce Generalized Watermarks
Xintong Song
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-467: Introduce Generalized Watermarks
Junrui Lee
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-467: Introduce Generalized Watermarks
weijie guo
Re: [VOTE] FLIP-467: Introduce Generalized Watermarks
Yunfeng Zhou
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36941) Fix Doc for DATE_FORMAT
Yiyu Tian (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36940) Why does autoscaler Math.round the TargetProcessingCapacity
Rui Fan (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36939) High CPU Utilization with Flink Kinesis EFO Consumer
Keith Lee (Jira)
Java truststores
Nic Townsend
Re: Java truststores
Gabor Somogyi
RE: Java truststores
Nic Townsend
Re: Java truststores
Gabor Somogyi
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36938) Provide hooks before and after the watermark processing
Zakelly Lan (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36937) Integrate PTF TypeInference into Table API
Timo Walther (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36936) Introduce UpdatableTopNFunction in Rank with Async State API
Wang Qilong (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36935) Implement fast link for ForStFileSystem
Yanfei Lei (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36933) Error using QUALIFY in rank
Wang Qilong (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36932) Add resource-level metrics for different status/states to flink-kubernetes-operator
Philippe Gref-Viau (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36931) FlinkCDC YAML supports synchronizing the full amount of data of the entire database in Batch mode
Wenkai Qi (Jira)
[jira] [Created] (FLINK-36930) Lookup join with JDBC connector fails when join condition does not include fields from the probe/left table
Lilo (Jira)
Resolving Flink Backpressure
Mohammad Aamir Iqubal
Re: Resolving Flink Backpressure
Samrat Deb
Re: Resolving Flink Backpressure
Mohammad Aamir Iqubal
Re: Resolving Flink Backpressure
Samrat Deb
Re: Resolving Flink Backpressure
Samrat Deb
[DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Gabor Somogyi
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Zakelly Lan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Gabor Somogyi
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Zakelly Lan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Gabor Somogyi
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Zakelly Lan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Gabor Somogyi
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Zakelly Lan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Gabor Somogyi
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Yanquan Lv
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Gabor Somogyi
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Shengkai Fang
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Gabor Somogyi
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Shengkai Fang
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Venkatakrishnan Sowrirajan
Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-496: SQL connector for keyed state data
Gabor Somogyi
[DISCUSS] Flink 1.18.2 release & grace period for EOL versions
Matthias Pohl
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.18.2 release & grace period for EOL versions
Robert Metzger
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.18.2 release & grace period for EOL versions
Rui Fan
Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.18.2 release & grace period for EOL versions
Matthias Pohl
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