> 3. Change of interfaces for multiple output tables > Currently, I think using a STATEMENT SET should be enough for side > output semantics. I have added an example in section for that.
I question whether this really works. Is there a guarantee that watermarking will be applied upstream of the split between the two statements in the resulting job graph? Otherwise, important use cases like sending late events to a side output will behave non-deterministically, and be useless. David On Fri, Nov 1, 2024 at 10:26 AM Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org> wrote: > Hi Xuyang, > > thanks for the good questions. > > 1. What happens if the TTLs for these different StateHints are not the > same? > > The eval() fully determines available state and their TTL. Helper > methods such as onTimer() and finish() can references a subset of > declared state. It is not necessary that the helper methods declare all > state properties one more time. The name should be sufficient and we > should forbid setting additional properties. > > 2. I believe the named arguments introduced in FLIP-387[1] can also be > applied to this ProcessTableFunction, right? > > Absolutely, the PTF actually needs named arguments. Esp for optional > fields such uid or on_time. For forward compatibility, I would even > suggest that PTFs only support named arguments. Not sure if we can > enforce that. > > 3. Will we expose the original RowKind in the eval method's row input? > > Yes, it's likely that only advanced users will take use of that. In that > case users have to work with Row/RowData. It's likely that rather > build-in functions will make use of this. The default changelog mode for > both input and output is append. > > 4. Are we allowing users to define both styles simultaneously > > Yes. Context is optional. And state access in helper methods > (finish/onTimer) as well. This reduces the overhead in case a PTF runs > in a container/other process. > > I will update the FLIP to reflect these answers. > > Thanks, > Timo > > > > On 01.11.24 05:10, Xuyang wrote: > > Hi, Timo. > > > > Thank you for this great work! When I previously introduced the session > window TVF, I was contemplating > > > > how to enable users to define a PTF in SQL. I'm glad to see this work > being discussed and that it has > > > > improved the integration with the DataStream API. > > > > After reading the entire flip, I have a few questions that I hope you > can address. > > > > 1. I noticed that in the example, the same field (e.g., CountState) can > declare a StateHint in the eval, onTimer, > > > > and finish methods. What happens if the TTLs for these different > StateHints are not the same? > > > > 2. I believe the named arguments introduced in FLIP-387[1] can also be > applied to this ProcessTableFunction, right? > > > > 3. In our UDAFs, we expect users to provide accumulate and retract > methods to handle input data for +I/+U and -U/-D. > > > > However, in the eval method of a ScalarFunction/UDTF, users do not have > visibility into the input's RowKind. In the new PTF, > > > > will we expose the original RowKind in the eval method's row input, > allowing users to determine the row's RowKind themselves? > > > > 4. I noticed that in the examples, the eval method sometimes includes > the Context, @StateHint fields, and the input data (Row > > > > input), while other times it only consists of the input data. Are we > allowing users to define both styles simultaneously? > > > > > > > > > > [1] > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-387%3A+Support+named+parameters+for+functions+and+call+procedures > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > > > Best! > > Xuyang > > > > > > > > > > > > At 2024-10-31 21:57:37, "Timo Walther" <twal...@apache.org> wrote: > >> Hi everyone, > >> > >> thanks for all the feedback I received so far. I had very healthy > >> discussions with various people both online and offline at Current and > >> Flink Forward Berlin. The general user responses were also very > >> positive. The FLIP should be ready to start a VOTE thread. > >> > >> This is the last call for feedback. I would start a VOTE tomorrow if > >> there are no objections. Happy to take further feedback during > >> implementation as well. > >> > >> Thanks, > >> Timo > >> > >> On 30.10.24 14:34, Timo Walther wrote: > >>> Hi Jim, > >>> > >>> 3. Multiple output tables > >>> > >>> > Does the target_table need to be specified in the SELECT clause? > >>> > >>> No. Similar to reading from a regular table. The filter column must not > >>> be part of SELECT part. > >>> > >>> > It seems like the two target_table could have separate schemas > defined. > >>> > >>> That is true. The SELECT is responsible to transforms the columns into > >>> the target table's schema. The output row of the PTF might be a union > of > >>> various columns in this case. > >>> > >>> 10. Support for State TTL > >>> > >>> > I'd be strongly in favor of doing any interface / base work we > need in > >>> > the initial implementation so that state size can be managed. > >>> > >>> I agree, State TTL is crucial. I updated the FLIP and added interfaces > >>> to StateTypeStrategy and @StateHint. > >>> > >>> Cheers, > >>> Timo > >>> > >>> > >>> > >>> On 23.10.24 17:59, Jim Hughes wrote: > >>>> Hi Timo, > >>>> > >>>> Thank you for the answers. I have a few clarifications inlined. > >>>> > >>>> On Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 8:07 AM Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org> > wrote: > >>>> > >>>>> 3. Change of interfaces for multiple output tables > >>>>> Currently, I think using a STATEMENT SET should be enough for side > >>>>> output semantics. I have added an example in section for > that. > >>>>> We are still free to add more methods to Context, let the function > >>>>> implement additional interfaces or use more code generation together > >>>>> with @ArgumentHints. > >>>>> > >>>> > >>>> Does the target_table need to be specified in the SELECT clause? Or > >>>> could > >>>> it read > >>>> > >>>> EXECUTE STATEMENT SET BEGIN > >>>> INSERT INTO main SELECT a, b FROM FunctionWithSideOutput(input => > >>>> data, > >>>> uid = 'only_once') WHERE target_table = 'main'; > >>>> INSERT INTO side SELECT a, b FROM FunctionWithSideOutput(input => > >>>> data, > >>>> uid = 'only_once') WHERE target_table = 'side'; > >>>> END; > >>>> > >>>> Separately, for clarity, it seems like the two target_table could have > >>>> separate schemas defined. > >>>> > >>>> > >>>>> 10. Support for State TTL > >>>>> Supporting state TTL will be easy. We just need to add a parameter to > >>>>> @StateHint and pass it through. > >>>>> > >>>> > >>>> If PTFs can have state, I'd be strongly in favor of doing any > interface / > >>>> base work we need in the initial implementation so that state size > can be > >>>> managed. If it is just sufficient to have hints in the interface, > >>>> awesome! > >>>> > >>>> Cheers, > >>>> > >>>> Jim > >>>> > >>> > >