Hey Timo,
I think this will be a very valuable addition to Flink SQL. I think it's
necessary to drive SQL and Table API adoption further since it can help
stateful upgrades. This will close a few gaps between SQL and DataStream
enabling more people to use SQL type system and catalog ecosystem which is
not available in DS.

+1 for the proposal.

On Mon, 14 Oct 2024 at 14:07, Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> thanks for taking a deep look into the FLIP. Happy to answer your
> questions:
> 1. Pass through semantics and partition columns
> We won't support pass through semantics in the first version. But I
> don't think that columns are duplicated unless they use a different
> name. E.g. the PTF can of course emit the partition column as part of
> the "payload" output.
> 2. Calcite tickets for missing features
> We will create the corresponding tickets once the FLIP is approved and
> help contributing those back.
> 3. Change of interfaces for multiple output tables
> Currently, I think using a STATEMENT SET should be enough for side
> output semantics. I have added an example in section for that.
> We are still free to add more methods to Context, let the function
> implement additional interfaces or use more code generation together
> with @ArgumentHints.
> 4. More explanation for empty semantics
> I added: "Empty semantics are required to model outer joins or returning
> values for empty input
> (e.g. 0 for a COUNT(*) on an empty table). A PTFs finish() method can
> still emit rows and thus output data even if no input record was seen.
> The finish() method needs to access state to check whether input was
> present.".
> 5. Adding Pass Through Semantics later
> That should be easy to do. As it is a pure optimizer thing and won't
> required UDF interface changes other than adding another ArgumentTrait.
> 6. Typo
> Fixed.
> 7. Why not upsert?
> Added "Upsert mode is only an optimization. No pre-mature optimization
> in the first version.
> Even for the Kafka connector we don't trust the input and convert to
> retract internally.
> Passing upsert keys and let users deal with it would complicate the
> interfaces. It's also difficult to tell the optimizer back whether
> upsert keys could have been preseved after the PTF.
> We can still offer an additional interface that functions can implement
> for power users. But retract should get the job done.".
> 8. Updates to SESSION window
> For the "timecol", we can implement this backwards compatible i.e.
> support both names. The reordering of columns might cause issues for
> SELECT * queries, but CompiledPlan should not be affected by this. At
> least we should ensure that this is the case.
> 9. Implement existing window TVFs
> It will be possible to implement custom window functions. They might not
> be as performant as built-in ones. E.g. not leverage local/global
> aggregation. But at least we make complex use case possible.
> 10. Support for State TTL
> Supporting state TTL will be easy. We just need to add a parameter to
> @StateHint and pass it through.
> Thanks,
> Timo
> On 07.10.24 03:46, Jim Hughes wrote:
> > Hi Timo,
> >
> > After thinking about it more today, I have some additionals questions /
> > topics:
> >
> > 9.  For the existing window TVFs, GROUP BYs over the window start and end
> > are optimized to return only one result per group.  With the proposal as
> > is, would it be possible to implement a replacement/copy of the temporal
> > windows which is optimized in a similar way?  (The statement "The
> optimizer
> > optimizes around PTFs." makes me think that this would not be possible.)
> > 10. How hard is it to have support for State TTL with the initial
> > implementation?  From the list of future work, that seems to be the first
> > one / most important that I'd find missing.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Jim
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 5:02 PM Jim Hughes <jhug...@confluent.io> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Timo,
> >>
> >> Thanks for the FLIP!  Also, thanks for saying that this has been in your
> >> head for a few years; there is a ton here.
> >>
> >> 1. For the pass through semantics, if the partition columns are already
> >> listed in the pass through column, they are not duplicated right?
> >> 2. A number of places mention that Calcite doesn't support XYZ.  Do we
> >> have tickets for that work?
> >> 3. I like the scoping section.  Relative to "More than two tables is out
> >> of scope for this FLIP.", will need to change any of the interfaces in a
> >> major way to support multiple output tables in the future?
> >> 4. The section "Empty Semantics" under Scoping is a bit terse and I'll
> >> admit that I don't understand it.  Could you say more in the FLIP there?
> >> 5. For Pass Through Semantics, will adding PASS THROUGH later be easy to
> >> do?  Or is there some reason to avoid it completely?
> >> 6. nit: Under `TimedLastValue`, there is a line which is copied from the
> >> above "The on_time descriptor takes two arguments in this case to
> forward
> >> the time attributes of each side."
> >> 7. Will upsert mode be possible later?  Can you say more about why
> upsert
> >> is not supported?  (I can guess, but it seems like a brief discussion in
> >> the FLIP would be useful.)
> >> 8. In terms of the two bullets at the end migration plan, I am for both
> >> changing the order of SESSION window colums and changing the name from
> >> TIMECOL to on_time (or support both names?).  Is there any downside to
> >> doing so?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Jim
> >>
> >> On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 6:38 PM Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi everyone,
> >>>
> >>> I'm super excited to start a discussion about FLIP-440: User-defined
> >>> operators / ProcessTableFunction (PTF) [1].
> >>>
> >>> This FLIP has been in my head for many years and Flink 2.0 is a good
> >>> time to open up Flink SQL to a new category of use cases. Following the
> >>> principle "Make simple things easy, and complex ones possible", I would
> >>> like to propose a new UDF type "ProcessTableFunction" that gives users
> >>> access to Flink's primitives for advanced stream processing. This
> should
> >>> unblock people when hitting shortcomings in Flink SQL and expand the
> >>> scope of SQL from analytical to more event-driven applications.
> >>>
> >>> This proposal is by no means a full replacement of DataStream API.
> >>> DataStream API will always provide the full power of Flink whereas PTFs
> >>> provide at least a necessary toolbox to cover ~80% of all use cases
> >>> without leaving the SQL ecosystem. The SQL ecosystem is a great
> >>> foundation with well-defined type system, catalog integration, CDC
> >>> support, and built-in functions/operators. PTFs complete it by offering
> >>> a standard compliant extension point.
> >>>
> >>> Looking forward to your feedback.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Timo
> >>>
> >>> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/pQnPEQ
> >>>
> >>
> >

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