Hi Timo,

Thank you for the answers.  I have a few clarifications inlined.

On Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 8:07 AM Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org> wrote:

> 3. Change of interfaces for multiple output tables
> Currently, I think using a STATEMENT SET should be enough for side
> output semantics. I have added an example in section for that.
> We are still free to add more methods to Context, let the function
> implement additional interfaces or use more code generation together
> with @ArgumentHints.

Does the target_table need to be specified in the SELECT clause?  Or could
it read

   INSERT INTO main SELECT a, b FROM FunctionWithSideOutput(input => data,
uid = 'only_once') WHERE target_table = 'main';
   INSERT INTO side SELECT a, b FROM FunctionWithSideOutput(input => data,
uid = 'only_once') WHERE target_table = 'side';

Separately, for clarity, it seems like the two target_table could have
separate schemas defined.

> 10. Support for State TTL
> Supporting state TTL will be easy. We just need to add a parameter to
> @StateHint and pass it through.

If PTFs can have state, I'd be strongly in favor of doing any interface /
base work we need in the initial implementation so that state size can be
managed.  If it is just sufficient to have hints in the interface, awesome!



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