Hey, Claire

Thanks starting this discussion, all flink external connector repos are 
sub-projects of Apache Flink, including  

Creating a flink external connector repo  named flink-connectors-gcp as 
sub-project of Apache Beam is not a good idea from my side. 

>   Currently, we have no Flink committers on our team. We are actively
>   involved in the Apache Beam community and have a number of ASF members on
>   the team.

Not having Flink committer should not be a strong reason in this case,  Flink 
community welcome contributors to contribute and maintain the connectors, as a 
contributor, through continuous connector development and maintenance work in 
the community, you will also have the opportunity to become a Committer.


> 2024年2月14日 上午12:24,Claire McCarthy <clairemccar...@google.com.INVALID> 写道:
> Hi Devs!
> I’d like to kick off a discussion on setting up a repo for a new fleet of
> Google Cloud connectors.
> A bit of context:
>   -
>   We have a team of Google engineers who are looking to build/maintain
>   5-10 GCP connectors for Flink.
>   -
>   We are wondering if it would make sense to host our connectors under the
>   ASF umbrella following a similar repo structure as AWS (
>   https://github.com/apache/flink-connector-aws). In our case:
>   apache/flink-connectors-gcp.
>   -
>   Currently, we have no Flink committers on our team. We are actively
>   involved in the Apache Beam community and have a number of ASF members on
>   the team.
> We saw that one of the original motivations for externalizing connectors
> was to encourage more activity and contributions around connectors by
> easing the contribution overhead. We understand that the decision was
> ultimately made to host the externalized connector repos under the ASF
> organization. For the same reasons (release infra, quality assurance,
> integration with the community, etc.), we would like all GCP connectors to
> live under the ASF organization.
> We want to ask the Flink community what you all think of this idea, and
> what would be the best way for us to go about contributing something like
> this. We are excited to contribute and want to learn and follow your
> practices.
> A specific issue we know of is that our changes need approval from Flink
> committers. Do you have a suggestion for how best to go about a new
> contribution like ours from a team that does not have committers? Is it
> possible, for example, to partner with a committer (or a small cohort) for
> tight engagement? We also know about ASF voting and release process, but
> that doesn't seem to be as much of a potential hurdle.
> Huge thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts!
> Claire

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