@Robert Your (and Dian's) suggestions sound good to me! I like keeping
to master frozen for a while since it will prevent a lot of duplicate
merging efforts.
Regarding the date: I'm fine with the proposed date but I can also see
that extending it to the end of the week could be helpful.
On 19.10.20 12:24, Danny Chan wrote:
+1 for Kurt suggestion, there are many features for SQL yet, 2 more days are
Danny Chan
在 2020年10月19日 +0800 PM6:22,Jingsong Li <jingsongl...@gmail.com>,写道:
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your detailed explanation.
At present, we are preparing or participating in Flink forward, so +1 for
appropriate extension of deadline.
On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 5:36 PM Kurt Young <ykt...@gmail.com> wrote:
Can we change the freeze date to October 30th (Friday next week)? It would
be helpful
for us if we have 2 more days.
On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 5:00 PM Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org>
Hi all,
Dian and I would like to discuss a few items regarding the upcoming Flink
1.12 feature freeze:
*A) Exact feature freeze day*
So far, we've always said "end of October
<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/1.12+Release>" for
freeze. We propose (end of day CEST) October 28th (Wednesday next week)
the feature freeze time.
We want to create RC0 on the day after the feature freeze, to make sure
RC creation process is running smoothly, and to have a common testing
reference point.
*B) What does feature freeze mean?*After the feature freeze, no new
features are allowed to be merged to master. Only bug fixes and
documentation improvements.
The release managers will revert new feature commits after the feature
Rational: The goal of the feature freeze phase is to improve the system
stability by addressing known bugs. New features tend to introduce new
instabilities, which would prolong the release process.
If you need to merge a new feature after the freeze, please open a
discussion on the dev@ list. If there are no objections by a PMC member
within 48 (workday)hours, the feature can be merged.
*C) When to cut the "release-1.12" branch off master?*
In the last feature freeze, we had a pretty lengthy phase of maintaining
the "master" and "release-1.11" branches with the same fixes. Therefore,
would like to propose an adjustment to the release process: We will have
stabilization phase on master, between the feature freeze and the branch
I expect this stabilization phase to last between 1 and 3 weeks,
on the issues we find. Once all blockers are resolved, and no new
are surfacing, we can cut off the "release-1.12" branch and finalize the
Is anybody in the community waiting for the cut off to happen sooner so
that they can merge a big feature to Flink 1.13 ? (if that would be the
case, then we can not have a stabilization phase)
Let me know what you think!
Dian and Robert
Best, Jingsong Lee