Igal, The feature set you propose sounds great to me -- as a user I see plenty there to get excited about. As for the feature freeze date, I don't really have an informed opinion.
David On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 10:15 AM Igal Shilman <i...@ververica.com> wrote: > > Hi Flink devs, > > We have a few upcoming / implemented features for Stateful Functions on the > radar, and would like to give a heads up on what to expect for the next > release: > > 1. Upgrade support for Flink 1.11.x. [FLINK-18812] > 2. Fine grained control on remote state configuration, such as state TTL. > [FLINK-17954] > 3. New state construct for dynamic state registration [FLINK-18316] > 4. Add a DataStream API to StateFun [FLINK-19001] > 5. Support async handlers for the Python SDK [FLINK-18518] > 6. Add more metrics around async operations and backpressure [FLINK-19020] > 7. Out-of-box support for common storage systems in flink-statefun Docker > image [FLINK-19019] > > With these we think the project will be in a good spot for the next release. > What do you think about aiming at 10.9.2020 for a feature freeze for > StateFun 2.2? > > Kind regards, > Igal.