My take would be to take streaming as the common case and make special sections for batch.
We can still have a few streaming-only sections (end to end exactly once) and a few batch-only sections (optimizer). On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 6:03 PM, Ufuk Celebi <> wrote: > I very much like this proposal. This is long overdue. Our > documentation never "broke up" with the old batch focus. That's where > the current structure comes from and why people often don't find what > they are looking for. We were trying to treat streaming and batch as > equals. We never were "brave" enough to move streaming-only concepts > to the top-level. I really like that you are proposing this now (for > example for Event time, State Backends etc.). I would love to have > this go hand in hand with the 1.2 release. > > What is your opinion about pages affecting both streaming and batch > like "Connectors" or "Failure model"? We could have the landing page > cover the general material (e.g. restart strategies) and then have > sub-pages for streaming- and batch-specific stuff. Or we treat > streaming as the common case and have a sub-section for batch. We > probably have to decide this case-by-case, but to me it feels like > this was the main problem with the old documentation structure > (content is a different story of course ;)). > > On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 4:09 PM, Stephan Ewen <> wrote: > > Hi all! > > > > I posted another FLIP - this time about a suggestion to make the > > documentation more accessible. > > > > FLIP-3 - Organization of Documentation > > > > > > > The issue of accessibility of information came up repeatedly from users I > > talked to, so this is a suggestion how to improve this. > > > > > > Greetings, > > Stephan >