I very much like this proposal. This is long overdue. Our
documentation never "broke up" with the old batch focus. That's where
the current structure comes from and why people often don't find what
they are looking for. We were trying to treat streaming and batch as
equals. We never were "brave" enough to move streaming-only concepts
to the top-level. I really like that you are proposing this now (for
example for Event time, State Backends etc.). I would love to have
this go hand in hand with the 1.2 release.

What is your opinion about pages affecting both streaming and batch
like "Connectors" or "Failure model"? We could have the landing page
cover the general material (e.g. restart strategies) and then have
sub-pages for streaming- and batch-specific stuff. Or we treat
streaming as the common case and have a sub-section for batch. We
probably have to decide this case-by-case, but to me it feels like
this was the main problem with the old documentation structure
(content is a different story of course ;)).

On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 4:09 PM, Stephan Ewen <se...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I posted another FLIP - this time about a suggestion to make the
> documentation more accessible.
> FLIP-3 - Organization of Documentation
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-3+-+Organization+of+Documentation
> The issue of accessibility of information came up repeatedly from users I
> talked to, so this is a suggestion how to improve this.
> Greetings,
> Stephan

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