Hi Fabian,

The priority seems reasonable to me. I skimmed through your TPCH branch and
find data type and related functions would be quite important to enable
most of TPC-H queries.

I would try out your TPC-H branch and pick up some issues you filed these
two days for the 1.1.0 release.

Hope this helps :)


On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 11:59 PM, Fabian Hueske <fhue...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I'd like to start a discussion about blocking issues and outstanding
> features of the Table API and SQL for the 1.1.0 release. As you probably
> know, the Table API was completely reworked and ported to Apache Calcite.
> Moreover, we added initial support for SQL on batch and streaming tables.
> We have come quite far but there are still a couple of issue that need to
> be resolved before we can release a new version of Flink. I would like to
> start collecting and prioritizing issues such that we can work towards a
> feature set that we would like to be included in the next release. In order
> to prepare this list, I tried to execute the TPC-H query set using the
> currently supported SQL feature set. Only one (Q18) out  of the 22 queries
> could be executed. The others failed due to unsupported features or bugs.
> In the following, I list issues ordered by priority that I think need be
> resolved for the release.
>     - FLINK-3728:  Detect unsupported operators and improve error messages.
> While we can effectively prevent unsupported operations in the Table API,
> this is not easily possible with SQL queries. At the moment, unsupported
> operations are either not detected and translated into invalid plans or
> throw a hard to understand exceptions.
>     - FLINK-3859: Add support for DECIMAL. Without this feature, it is not
> possible to use floating point literals in SQL queries.
>     - FLINK-3152 / FLINK-3580: Add support for date types and date
> functions.
>     - FLINK-3586: Prevent AVG(LONG) overflow by using BigInteger as
> intermediate data type.
>     - FLINK-2971: Add support for outer joins (a PR for this issue exists
> #1981)
>     - FLINK-3936 : Add MIN / MAX aggregation function for BOOLEAN types
>     - FLINK-3916: Add support for generic types which are handled by
>     - FLINK-3723: This is an proposal to split the Table API select()
> method into select() for projection and aggregate() for aggregations. At
> the moment, both are handled by select() (such as in SQL) and internally
> separated by the Table API. We should decide for Flink 1.1.0 whether to
> implement the proposal or not.
>     - FLINK-3871 / FLINK-3873: Add Table Source and TableSink for Avro
> encoded Kafka sources
>     - FLINK-3872 / FLINK-3874 : Add TableSource and TableSink for JSON
> encoded Kafka sources
>     - More TableSource / TableSinks
> Please review this list, add issues that you think should go in as well,
> and discuss the priorities of the features.
> Also if you would like to get involved with improving the Table API / SQL,
> drop a mail to the mailing list or a comment to a JIRA issue.
> I think it would be good if somebody would coordinate these efforts. I
> would be happy to do it. However, I will leave in one month for a
> two-months parental leave and I don't know how much I can contribute in
> that time. So if somebody would like to step up and help coordinating,
> please let me and the others know.
> Cheers, Fabian

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