The decision of the vote is to cancel this package.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 7:01 PM, Márton Balassi <>

> Please vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache Flink version
> 0.8.0
> This release will be the first major release for Flink as a top level
> project.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> The commit to be voted on is in the branch "release-0.8.0-rc2"
> (commit 9ee74f3):
> The release artifacts to be voted on can be found at:
> Release artifacts are signed with the following key:
> The staging repository for this release can be found at:
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Flink 0.8.0.
> The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at
> least
> three +1 PMC votes are cast.
> [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Flink 0.8.0
> [ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...

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