05/09/2017 12:51, Shahaf Shuler:
> So looks like we all agree PMDs should report as part of the 
> rte_eth_dev_info_get which offloads are per port and which are per queue.
> Regarding the offloads configuration by application I see 2 options:
> 1. have an API to set offloads per port as part of device configure and API 
> to set offloads per queue as part of queue setup
> 2. set all offloads as part of queue configuration (per port offloads will be 
> set equally for all queues). In case of a mixed configuration for port 
> offloads PMD will return error.
>     Such error can be reported on device start. The PMD will traverse the 
> queues and check for conflicts.
> I will focus on the cons, since both achieve the goal:
> Cons of #1:
> - Two places to configure offloads.
> - Like Thomas mentioned - what about offloads per device? This direction 
> leads to more places to configure the offloads.
> Cons of #2:
> - Late error reporting - on device start and not on queue setup.

Why not reporting error on queue setup?

> I would go with #2.

I vote also for #2

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