On 4/12/2017 2:54 PM, Iremonger, Bernard wrote:
> Hi Qi,
> <snip>
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Zhang, Qi Z
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 12:43 PM
>>>> To: Iremonger, Bernard <bernard.iremon...@intel.com>; dev@dpdk.org
>>>> Cc: Xing, Beilei <beilei.x...@intel.com>; Lu, Wenzhuo
>>>> <wenzhuo...@intel.com>; Zhang, Qi <qi.zh...@intel.com>; Iremonger,
>>>> Bernard <bernard.iremon...@intel.com>
>>>> Subject: RE: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH] net/i40e: fix to ensure vector mode
>>>> is not used
>>>> Hi Bernard:
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: dev [mailto:dev-boun...@dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Bernard
>>>> Iremonger
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 11:01 PM
>>>>> To: dev@dpdk.org
>>>>> Cc: Xing, Beilei <beilei.x...@intel.com>; Lu, Wenzhuo
>>>>> <wenzhuo...@intel.com>; Zhang, Qi <qi.zh...@intel.com>;
>> Iremonger,
>>>>> Bernard <bernard.iremon...@intel.com>
>>>>> Subject: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH] net/i40e: fix to ensure vector mode is
>>>>> not used
>>>>> In rx vector mode, the QinQ VLAN tag is not stripped.
>>>>> When hw_vlan_extend is set for QinQ ensure that rx vector mode is
>>>>> not selected.
>>>>> Fixes: ca74903b75cf ("net/i40e: extract non-x86 specific code from
>>>>> vector
>>>>> driver")
>>>> Why fixes? I didn't see above commit change rx callback function if
>>>> hw_vlan_extend == 1
>>> Some of the QinQ functionality was introduced in 17.02, this
>>> functionality also has the same issue.
>>> So I added a fixes line.
>> If you think this patch is a fix, you need to find the commit that introduce 
>> this
>> issue The commit ca74903b75cf is not the root cause of the issue, it just 
>> move
>> the code from I40e_rxtx_vec.c to i40e_rxtx_vec_common.h
>> Regards
>> Qi
> This is a fix to the  i40e_rx_vec_dev_conf_condition_check_default() function.
> The issue is caused because there is no check on the   hw_vlan_extend flag at 
> present.
> This is the correct fixline for that function.
> ca74903b75 (Jianbo Liu   2016-10-14 09:30:00 +0530 221) 
> i40e_rx_vec_dev_conf_condition_check_default(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
> I will send a v2 as I should have added the "Cc: sta...@dpdk.org"  line.

Hi Bernard,

I agree with Qi, the commit you are using is just moves function to a
common header, you are not fixing that.

Perhaps fixline can be the commit that adds QinQ support, because it
forgets adding hw_vlan_extend check?

byw, since this common function used by other vector drivers, neon and
altivec, will this something effect them, is there any case
"hw_vlan_extend == 1" but other vector drivers can be used?


> Regards,
> Bernard.

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