On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 8:14 AM, Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@intel.com>
> On 3/23/2017 1:03 AM, Ed Czeck wrote:

> Is this function to get dev->data->port_id ?
> "struct ark_adapter" is private date per eth_dev, it is possible to keep
> port_id per ark, no need to keep whole array on each ark, if I am now
> missing anything ...
Code changed to grab port from private data

> Why not using RTE_LIBRTE_ARK_PAD_TX directly, but creating another macro?
This macro is either defined as 1 or nothing.  We are changing from these
states to 1 or 0. Is there a preferred style or example that we should

> Is it possible to handle RTE_LIBRTE_ARK_DEBUG_TX in log.h file to create
> a ..LOG_TX macro and use it, instead of dealing here with new macros?
We are reviewing the use of debug and macro internally.   Is there
a preferred style or example that we should study?

> > +/* Forward declarations */
> > +struct rte_mbuf;
> > +struct rte_eth_dev;
> > +struct rte_eth_stats;
> > +struct rte_eth_txconf;
> Why not include relevant headers, instead of these struct declarations.
The use of bare declaration is all that is needed, since the header only
uses pointers to these structs, and the full include is not needed.   Full
header included were added.

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