Gets device info from the bp structure filled in the init() function.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Hurd <stephen.hurd at>
Reviewed-by: Ajit Kumar Khaparde <ajit.khaparde at>
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h        |  3 ++
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h
index ebddeab..9ba2433 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt.h
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
 #include <rte_lcore.h>
 #include <rte_spinlock.h>

+#define BNXT_MAX_MTU           9000
+#define VLAN_TAG_SIZE          4
 struct bnxt_vf_info {
        uint16_t                fw_fid;
        uint8_t                 mac_addr[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
index 07519df..d55b9e9 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
@@ -53,11 +53,105 @@ static struct rte_pci_id bnxt_pci_id_map[] = {

+ * Device configuration and status function
+ */
+static void bnxt_dev_info_get_op(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev,
+                                 struct rte_eth_dev_info *dev_info)
+       struct bnxt *bp = (struct bnxt *)eth_dev->data->dev_private;
+       uint16_t max_vnics, i, j, vpool, vrxq;
+       /* MAC Specifics */
+       dev_info->max_mac_addrs = MAX_NUM_MAC_ADDR;
+       dev_info->max_hash_mac_addrs = 0;
+       /* PF/VF specifics */
+       if (BNXT_PF(bp)) {
+               dev_info->max_rx_queues = bp->pf.max_rx_rings;
+               dev_info->max_tx_queues = bp->pf.max_tx_rings;
+               dev_info->max_vfs = bp->pf.active_vfs;
+               dev_info->reta_size = bp->pf.max_rsscos_ctx;
+               max_vnics = bp->pf.max_vnics;
+       } else {
+               dev_info->max_rx_queues = bp->vf.max_rx_rings;
+               dev_info->max_tx_queues = bp->vf.max_tx_rings;
+               dev_info->reta_size = bp->vf.max_rsscos_ctx;
+               max_vnics = bp->vf.max_vnics;
+       }
+       /* Fast path specifics */
+       dev_info->min_rx_bufsize = 1;
+       dev_info->max_rx_pktlen = BNXT_MAX_MTU + ETHER_HDR_LEN + ETHER_CRC_LEN
+                                 + VLAN_TAG_SIZE;
+       dev_info->rx_offload_capa = 0;
+       dev_info->tx_offload_capa = DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM |
+                                       DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM |
+                                       DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM |
+                                       DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_TSO;
+       /* *INDENT-OFF* */
+       dev_info->default_rxconf = (struct rte_eth_rxconf) {
+               .rx_thresh = {
+                       .pthresh = 8,
+                       .hthresh = 8,
+                       .wthresh = 0,
+               },
+               .rx_free_thresh = 32,
+               .rx_drop_en = 0,
+       };
+       dev_info->default_txconf = (struct rte_eth_txconf) {
+               .tx_thresh = {
+                       .pthresh = 32,
+                       .hthresh = 0,
+                       .wthresh = 0,
+               },
+               .tx_free_thresh = 32,
+               .tx_rs_thresh = 32,
+               .txq_flags = ETH_TXQ_FLAGS_NOMULTSEGS |
+                            ETH_TXQ_FLAGS_NOOFFLOADS,
+       };
+       /* *INDENT-ON* */
+       /*
+        * TODO: default_rxconf, default_txconf, rx_desc_lim, and tx_desc_lim
+        *       need further investigation.
+        */
+       /* VMDq resources */
+       vpool = 64; /* ETH_64_POOLS */
+       vrxq = 128; /* ETH_VMDQ_DCB_NUM_QUEUES */
+       for (i = 0; i < 4; vpool >>= 1, i++) {
+               if (max_vnics > vpool) {
+                       for (j = 0; j < 5; vrxq >>= 1, j++) {
+                               if (dev_info->max_rx_queues > vrxq) {
+                                       if (vpool > vrxq)
+                                               vpool = vrxq;
+                                       goto found;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       /* Not enough resources to support VMDq */
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       /* Not enough resources to support VMDq */
+       vpool = 0;
+       vrxq = 0;
+       dev_info->max_vmdq_pools = vpool;
+       dev_info->vmdq_queue_num = vrxq;
+       dev_info->vmdq_pool_base = 0;
+       dev_info->vmdq_queue_base = 0;
  * Initialization

 static struct eth_dev_ops bnxt_dev_ops = {
+       .dev_infos_get = bnxt_dev_info_get_op,

 static bool bnxt_vf_pciid(uint16_t id)

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