Is there any substantive feedback on this? It seems like silence =
consensus (or that the people who might care more are not on this list).

My suggestion is to go to the next stage, start drafting a membership
agreement and identify potential members to recruit. Will the Linux
Foundation take point on recruiting members, or does that fall to the
community too?


On 02/05/2016 12:20 PM, Bob Monkman wrote:
> Right. Yes, I can access it just fine.
> Thx,
> Robert (Bob) Monkman
> Enterprise Segment Marketing Manager
> 150 Rose Orchard Way
> San Jose, Ca 95134
> M: +1.510.676.5490
> -----Original Message-----
> From: O'Driscoll, Tim [mailto:tim.odriscoll at]
> Sent: Friday, February 05, 2016 9:09 AM
> To: Bob Monkman; dev at; Laura Kempke; Michael Dolan
> Subject: RE: DPDK Community Call - Linux Foundation
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bob Monkman [mailto:Bob.Monkman at]
>> Sent: Friday, February 5, 2016 4:30 PM
>> To: O'Driscoll, Tim; dev at; Laura Kempke; Michael Dolan
>> Subject: RE: DPDK Community Call - Linux Foundation
>> Thanks very much for the minutes. Can we get Laura's draft deck re:
>> budget and tradeoffs/options?
> There's no slide deck, just the spreadsheet at: 
>  This outlines the minimum (column B) and optional (column C) alternatives 
> that Laura presented on Tuesday.
> I believe access to the spreadsheet is open to everybody, but if anybody runs 
> into issues I'm sure Laura can help to grant access.
> Tim
>> Robert (Bob) Monkman
>> Enterprise Segment Marketing Manager
>> 150 Rose Orchard Way
>> San Jose, Ca 95134
>> M: +1.510.676.5490
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of O'Driscoll, Tim
>> Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 2:16 PM
>> To: dev at; Laura Kempke; Michael Dolan
>> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] DPDK Community Call - Linux Foundation
>> Here are some brief minutes of our discussion on Tuesday. Apologies
>> for the delay in sending these out.
>> Attendees: Bob Monkman, Bruce Richardson, Dave Neary, Ferruh Yigit,
>> Jim St Leger, John Bromhead, John McNamara, Keith Wiles, Konstantin
>> Ananyev, Laura Kempke, M Jay, Martin Horne, Mike Dolan, Mike Glynn,
>> Tetsuya Mukawa, Thomas Monjalon, Tim O'Driscoll, Yoshihiro Nakajima
>> Note: This list is taken from the GoToMeeting tool, but since people
>> joined/left at different times it may not be complete.
>> The background to the call is that we had a discussion at the
>> Userspace event in Dublin on using Linux Foundation to provide a
>> lightweight governance model for DPDK. This would cover marketing,
>> event planning, trademarks, other legal issues etc. It would not cover
>> any technical governance of the project.
>> Following this and a follow-up call we had in December, a small group
>> of us (Dave Neary, Thomas Monjalon, Stephen Hemminger, Vincent Jardin,
>> me) met with the Linux Foundation to create a draft budget which is
>> available at:
>> 3686Xb_jf4FtxdX8Mus9UwIxUb2vI_ppmJV5GnXcLg/edit#gid=302618256.
>> Laura walked through the spreadsheet at the meeting. Column B
>> represents the minimum budget requirement for DPDK and totals $227k.
>> Column C shows a number of optional additions and totals $766k. Points
>> of discussion
>> included:
>> - The minimum option assumes that some of the event costs are covered
>> by registration fees and sponsorship.
>> - Jim asked about LF hosting DPDK IT infrastructure. This isn't
>> currently included (row 23) but could be added if desired.
>> - The item for hackathons (row 29) is just a placeholder. The general
>> consensus seemed to be that we wouldn't need these.
>> Taking the minimum budget requirement of ~$227k, that would mean we'd
>> be looking for ~10-15 companies to contribute, each paying a flat-rate
>> membership fee of ~$15-25k.
>> There was a question on what member companies would get in return for
>> their contribution. We need to do some further work on this, but the
>> likelihood is that they would get a seat on a board which would
>> determine how the DPDK budget is spent. The scope of this board would
>> be limited to marketing/event/legal issues. Technical governance would
>> continue to be handled separately via our Maintainers and our
>> Architecture Board.
>> Most people on the call felt that the proposal to use LF was a good
>> idea and was worth pursuing further. However, we only had a small
>> number of people on the call so that may not be representative of the
>> views of the entire community. Therefore, if anybody has further
>> thoughts or input on this, please feel free to reply to this email.
>> Keith suggested holding a poll so that we can quantify the level of
>> interest and give people a way to provide feedback anonymously in case
>> they're unwilling to do so in public. I'll look into this.
>> Feel free to post any corrections or additions if I missed anything.
>> Tim
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of O'Driscoll, Tim
>>> Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2016 12:19 AM
>>> To: dev at
>>> Subject: [dpdk-dev] DPDK Community Call - Linux Foundation
>>> At the community call we held on governance in December, we agreed
>> that
>>> a few of us would work with the Linux Foundation on a proposal for a
>>> light-weight governance of DPDK. This would include things like
>>> management of DPDK events, registering trademarks, and any required
>>> legal support etc.
>>> Stephen, Thomas, Dave, Vincent and I met with the Linux Foundation
>>> to discuss this and came up with a draft budget proposal. We'd like
>>> to
>> have
>>> a community call to discuss this and decide how we should proceed.
>>> The current budget estimate is ~$227k. LF guidance is that for this
>> size
>>> of budget they'd propose a flat membership fee (i.e. no tiered
>>> membership) of ~$25k per member company, with a target of getting 10
>> or
>>> more companies to contribute.
>>> At the call we can discuss:
>>> - A breakdown of the proposed budget. LF are very flexible on this,
>>> so we can add or remove whatever we want for DPDK.
>>> - Proposed membership fee.
>>> - Matthew also highlight some recent changes to community
>> representation
>>> at the Linux Foundation. We should discuss any concerns associated
>> with
>>> this.
>>> - Next steps.
>>> When:
>>> Tue, Feb 2, 2015 15:00 - 16:00 GMT
>>> Tue, Feb 2, 2015 07:00 - 08:00 PST
>>> Tue, Feb 2, 2015 10:00 - 11:00 EST
>>> Tue, Feb 2, 2015 16:00 - 17:00 CET
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Dave Neary - NFV/SDN Community Strategy
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Ph: +1-978-399-2182 / Cell: +1-978-799-3338

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