These are brief minutes of our community call on Wednesday. Please feel free to 
post any corrections or additions.

Attendees:  Amruta Zende, Andrey, Bruce Richardson, Chris Wright, Dave Neary, 
Frank Zdarsky, Heqing Zhu, Jerin Jacob, Jim St Leger, John Bromhead, John 
DiGiglio, Keith Wiles, Konstantin Ananyev, Lixuming, M Jay, Mike Dolan, Nan, 
Panu Matilainen, Rashid Khan, Sanjay Aiyagari, Scott Nicholas, Siobhan Butler, 
Stephen Hemminger, Tao Yang, Thomas Monjalon, Tim O'Driscoll, Yoshihiro 
Note: This list is taken from the GoToMeeting tool, but since people 
joined/left at different times it may not be complete.

Architecture Board:
- Discussed the proposal on board composition that was made recently on the 
mailing list (
- Stephen asked how frequently we should review membership. Agreed that we 
should review at least annually. Our next community event (we'll hold a 
follow-up to Userspace in Dublin in September-October) would be a good 
time/place to discuss how well this is working and any required changes.
- Jim asked if all the people nominated have confirmed that they're willing to 
participate. They have.

- Agreed that we now have an Architecture Board! The members will agree a time 
amongst themselves for a first meeting in January.
- Thanks to Thomas, Bruce, Stephen, Jerin, Panu, Olivier and Konstantin for 
agreeing to participate and provide technical direction for the project.

Linux Foundation:
- Mike Dolan presented the attached slides.
- Dave Neary asked if the LF model was all or nothing. Can a project pick and 
choose which elements it wants, or does it need to adopt the entire LF 
governance model? Mike confirmed that it's entirely up to each project which 
aspects they choose to adopt.
- There was some discussion on trademarks. As far as everybody on the call is 
aware, nobody has trademarked DPDK. Mike suggested that it's probably worth 
registering to prevent anybody else from doing so. LF can help with this 
- There was a question on whether just the ownership of the domain 
would need to transition to LF, or if DNS would need to change too. Mike 
confirmed that it would just be a change in ownership of the domain and no DNS 
changes are required.
- Can you still have individuals who are not associated with an LF member 
participate as part of the decision-making process (e.g. a community rep on the 
board)? Mike confirmed that this is possible.
- Thomas asked about the scope of the project governance. Mike described it as 
a decision-making body that will determine how the project funds will be spent. 
This is completely separate from technical governance of the project, which 
we've dealt with separately via the Architecture Board.
- Agreed that we'll create a small team to work with the Linux Foundation to 
create a specific proposal for the project that will then be reviewed with the 
community. The following people volunteered on the call: Dave Neary, Thomas 
Monjalon, Stephen Hemminger, Tim O'Driscoll. If anybody else is interested in 
participating, please let me know. We did agree that we should keep this to a 
max of 5-6 people.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of O'Driscoll, Tim
> Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 11:02 PM
> To: Scott Nicholas; mdolan at; dev at
> Subject: [dpdk-dev] DPDK Community Call - Linux Foundation
> One of the actions resulting from the discussion we had on project
> governance at the Userspace event was to engage with the Linux
> Foundation to see if they can provide a lightweight model for DPDK. This
> would cover things like managing a marketing budget, event planning,
> trademarks etc. Scott Nicholas and Mike Dolan from the Linux Foundation
> will present the options that Linux Foundation can provide for DPDK.
> Apologies for the short notice, but we'd like to fit this in before the
> holiday period.
> When:
> Wed, Dec 16, 2015 15:00 - 16:00 GMT
> Wed, Dec 16, 2015 07:00 - 08:00 PST
> Wed, Dec 16, 2015 10:00 - 11:00 EST
> Wed, Dec 16, 2015 16:00 - 17:00 CET
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