Thanks very much for the minutes. Can we get Laura's draft deck re: budget and 

Robert (Bob) Monkman
Enterprise Segment Marketing Manager
150 Rose Orchard Way
San Jose, Ca 95134
M: +1.510.676.5490

-----Original Message-----
From: dev [] On Behalf Of O'Driscoll, Tim
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 2:16 PM
To: dev at; Laura Kempke; Michael Dolan
Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] DPDK Community Call - Linux Foundation

Here are some brief minutes of our discussion on Tuesday. Apologies for the 
delay in sending these out.

Attendees: Bob Monkman, Bruce Richardson, Dave Neary, Ferruh Yigit, Jim St 
Leger, John Bromhead, John McNamara, Keith Wiles, Konstantin Ananyev, Laura 
Kempke, M Jay, Martin Horne, Mike Dolan, Mike Glynn, Tetsuya Mukawa, Thomas 
Monjalon, Tim O'Driscoll, Yoshihiro Nakajima
Note: This list is taken from the GoToMeeting tool, but since people 
joined/left at different times it may not be complete.

The background to the call is that we had a discussion at the Userspace event 
in Dublin on using Linux Foundation to provide a lightweight governance model 
for DPDK. This would cover marketing, event planning, trademarks, other legal 
issues etc. It would not cover any technical governance of the project.

Following this and a follow-up call we had in December, a small group of us 
(Dave Neary, Thomas Monjalon, Stephen Hemminger, Vincent Jardin, me) met with 
the Linux Foundation to create a draft budget which is available at:

Laura walked through the spreadsheet at the meeting. Column B represents the 
minimum budget requirement for DPDK and totals $227k. Column C shows a number 
of optional additions and totals $766k. Points of discussion included:
- The minimum option assumes that some of the event costs are covered by 
registration fees and sponsorship.
- Jim asked about LF hosting DPDK IT infrastructure. This isn't currently 
included (row 23) but could be added if desired.
- The item for hackathons (row 29) is just a placeholder. The general consensus 
seemed to be that we wouldn't need these.

Taking the minimum budget requirement of ~$227k, that would mean we'd be 
looking for ~10-15 companies to contribute, each paying a flat-rate membership 
fee of ~$15-25k.

There was a question on what member companies would get in return for their 
contribution. We need to do some further work on this, but the likelihood is 
that they would get a seat on a board which would determine how the DPDK budget 
is spent. The scope of this board would be limited to marketing/event/legal 
issues. Technical governance would continue to be handled separately via our 
Maintainers and our Architecture Board.

Most people on the call felt that the proposal to use LF was a good idea and 
was worth pursuing further. However, we only had a small number of people on 
the call so that may not be representative of the views of the entire 
community. Therefore, if anybody has further thoughts or input on this, please 
feel free to reply to this email.

Keith suggested holding a poll so that we can quantify the level of interest 
and give people a way to provide feedback anonymously in case they're unwilling 
to do so in public. I'll look into this.

Feel free to post any corrections or additions if I missed anything.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of O'Driscoll, Tim
> Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2016 12:19 AM
> To: dev at
> Subject: [dpdk-dev] DPDK Community Call - Linux Foundation
> At the community call we held on governance in December, we agreed that
> a few of us would work with the Linux Foundation on a proposal for a
> light-weight governance of DPDK. This would include things like
> management of DPDK events, registering trademarks, and any required
> legal support etc.
> Stephen, Thomas, Dave, Vincent and I met with the Linux Foundation to
> discuss this and came up with a draft budget proposal. We'd like to have
> a community call to discuss this and decide how we should proceed.
> The current budget estimate is ~$227k. LF guidance is that for this size
> of budget they'd propose a flat membership fee (i.e. no tiered
> membership) of ~$25k per member company, with a target of getting 10 or
> more companies to contribute.
> At the call we can discuss:
> - A breakdown of the proposed budget. LF are very flexible on this, so
> we can add or remove whatever we want for DPDK.
> - Proposed membership fee.
> - Matthew also highlight some recent changes to community representation
> at the Linux Foundation. We should discuss any concerns associated with
> this.
> - Next steps.
> When:
> Tue, Feb 2, 2015 15:00 - 16:00 GMT
> Tue, Feb 2, 2015 07:00 - 08:00 PST
> Tue, Feb 2, 2015 10:00 - 11:00 EST
> Tue, Feb 2, 2015 16:00 - 17:00 CET
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