>From: Olivier MATZ [mailto:olivier.matz at 6wind.com] 
>Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 1:58 PM
>The point is today it's broken, and no application running on top of DPDK
>check these flags because they are set to 0. If we decide to assign a value
>to these flags, it will break the working applications because they don't
>expect to receive invalid packets. Maybe a proper solution would be to
>enable these flags on demand in PMD configuration, and add a feature
>flag for this feature.

It's not broken, it just doesn't do anything. Yes, such a feature *has* to be 
explicitly requested by the application. By default, broken packets should not 
be delivered.

>I think we should not keep things half-done too long. It's confusing and 
>useless as-is.

Fine with me. I don't see how it's confusing, but, from what you're saying, it 
is clearly useless. The only reason to keep it would be that if such a feature 
is added in the future, it could be added without changing the mbuf structure, 
but I don't know whether that's important.

-don provan
dprovan at bivio.net

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