On Tue, May 07, 2024 at 01:43:30PM +0100, Luca Vizzarro wrote:
> On 07/05/2024 13:05, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> > Sorry to be late to the reviews here, but since this is a countable value -
> > as you state in the cover letter- would "number" or "count" not be better
> > terms. To me, "quantity" is just a synonym of "amount", and can be used for
> > uncountable values too, e.g. "a quantity of water".
> Hi Bruce,
> The change is based on the readability and intuitiveness of the
> configuration file. In which case "number" could be ambiguous:
>   hugepages_2mb:
>     number: 100
> And here I could see "count" working:
>   hugepages_2mb:
>     count: 100
> But since the change is propagated for consistency. "count" would no longer
> be well fitting in the rest:
>      "description": "The count of hugepages to configure. Hugepage
>                      size will be the system default."
Whatever term is actually used, the description should definitely refer to
"The number of hugepages to configure".

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