> -----Original Message----- > From: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@amd.com> > Sent: Friday, March 8, 2024 7:25 PM > To: Brandes, Shai <shaib...@amazon.com> > Cc: dev@dpdk.org > Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [PATCH v3 10/33] net/ena/hal: added a bus > parameter to ena memcpy macro > > CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click > links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the > content is safe. > > > > On 3/6/2024 12:24 PM, shaib...@amazon.com wrote: > > From: Shai Brandes <shaib...@amazon.com> > > > > ENA_MEMCPY_TO_DEVICE_64 macro needs pci bus id in order to write to > > the device memory when using llq. > > > > As far as I can see macro doesn't use 'bus' at all, "(void)(bus);", how/why > it is > needed for LLQ? Can you please describe it more? [Brandes, Shai] I understand the confusion. This is part of a hal change that concerns mac OS and required to modify the common ENA_MEMCPY_TO_DEVICE_64. Since we expose only the DPDK-specific implementation, where this parameter is unused, it appears as void. Avoiding this will create differences between the internal and upstream versions which will make it hard to maintain.
- Re: [PATCH v3 07/33] net/ena: restructure the llq polic... Ferruh Yigit
- RE: [PATCH v3 07/33] net/ena: restructure the llq p... Brandes, Shai
- Re: [PATCH v3 07/33] net/ena: restructure the l... Ferruh Yigit
- [PATCH v3 06/33] net/ena: rename base folder to hal shaibran
- Re: [PATCH v3 06/33] net/ena: rename base folder to hal Ferruh Yigit
- RE: [PATCH v3 06/33] net/ena: rename base folder to... Brandes, Shai
- [PATCH v3 09/33] net/ena/hal: add a new csum offload bit shaibran
- [PATCH v3 10/33] net/ena/hal: added a bus parameter to ena m... shaibran
- Re: [PATCH v3 10/33] net/ena/hal: added a bus parameter... Ferruh Yigit
- RE: [PATCH v3 10/33] net/ena/hal: added a bus param... Brandes, Shai
- Re: [PATCH v3 10/33] net/ena/hal: added a bus p... Ferruh Yigit
- [PATCH v3 08/33] net/ena/hal: exponential backoff exp limit shaibran
- Re: [PATCH v3 08/33] net/ena/hal: exponential backoff e... Ferruh Yigit
- RE: [PATCH v3 08/33] net/ena/hal: exponential backo... Brandes, Shai
- RE: [PATCH v3 08/33] net/ena/hal: exponential b... Brandes, Shai
- Re: [PATCH v3 08/33] net/ena/hal: exponenti... Ferruh Yigit
- [PATCH v3 11/33] net/ena/hal: optimize Rx ring submission qu... shaibran
- [PATCH v3 12/33] net/ena/hal: rename fields in completion de... shaibran
- [PATCH v3 14/33] net/ena/hal: add completion descriptor corr... shaibran
- [PATCH v3 13/33] net/ena/hal: use correct read once on u8 fi... shaibran