On 2/1/2024 12:29 PM, Suanming Mou wrote:
> The new item type is added for the case user wants to match traffic
> based on packet field compare result with other fields or immediate
> value.
> e.g. take advantage the compare item user will be able to accumulate
> a IPv4/TCP packet's TCP data_offset and IPv4 IHL field to a tag
> register, then compare the tag register with IPv4 header total length
> to understand the packet has payload or not.
> The supported operations can be as below:
>  - RTE_FLOW_ITEM_COMPARE_NE (not equal)
>  - RTE_FLOW_ITEM_COMPARE_LT (less than)
>  - RTE_FLOW_ITEM_COMPARE_LE (less than or equal)
>  - RTE_FLOW_ITEM_COMPARE_GT (great than)
>  - RTE_FLOW_ITEM_COMPARE_GE (great than or equal)
> V5:
>  - rebase on top of next-net
>  - add sample detail for rte_flow_field.
> V4:
>  - rebase on top of the latest version.
>  - move ACTION_MODIFY_PATTERN_SIZE and modify_field_ids rename
>    to first patch.
>  - add comparison flow create sample in testpmd_funcs.rst.
> V3:
>  - fix code style missing empty line in rte_flow.rst.
>  - fix missing the ABI change release notes.
> V2:
>  - Since modify field data struct is experiment, rename modify
>    field data directly instead of adding new flow field struct.
> Suanming Mou (3):
>   ethdev: rename action modify field data structure
>   ethdev: add compare item
>   net/mlx5: add compare item support

Mostly looks good, please find comments on a few minor issues on patches.

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