On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 13:58:52 +0000
Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@amd.com> wrote:

> >>
> >> Why not fix the misbehaving drivers, instead of working around for
> >> softnic, as Stephen suggested?
> >>
> >> Is there a list of problematic drivers?
> >>  
> > 
> > Ferruh, I think this is not a reasonable request. We don't have the 
> > expertise to fix all drivers, not the hardware to test all drivers.
> >   
> Please don't make it over dramatic ;), this is not about having
> expertise in all drivers or having their hardware to test.
> You claim some drivers does free up their resources on stop() and
> continue to polling from them cause segfault. Action is move resource
> free from stop() to close().
> And my intention was not request a fix from you, if you have any
> particular misbehaving drivers, I can facilitate a fix from those driver
> maintainers.
> Eventually drivers freeing resources in stop() is a bigger problem and
> can hit other applications too, this is not just testpmd problem.

Lets all work together to resolve this.
I and others are willing to review and fix drivers you identify as problematic.
If this is a common problem, ideally we can update CI infrastructure to
test shutdown and resource issues more thoroughly via ASAN builds etc.

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