On 2023/3/9 15:29, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 09/03/2023 02:43, fengchengwen:
>> On 2023/3/7 0:13, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
>>> --- a/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_22_11.rst
>>> +++ b/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_22_11.rst
>>> @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ ABI Changes
>>>    ``rte-worker-<lcore_id>`` so that DPDK can accommodate lcores higher 
>>> than 99.
>>>  * mbuf: Replaced ``buf_iova`` field with ``next`` field and added a new 
>>> field
>>> -  ``dynfield2`` at its place in second cacheline if ``RTE_IOVA_AS_PA`` is 
>>> 0.
>>> +  ``dynfield2`` at its place in second cacheline if ``RTE_IOVA_IN_MBUF`` 
>>> is 0.
>> Should add to release 23.03 rst.
> Yes we could add a note in API changes.
>> The original 22.11 still have RTE_IOVA_AS_PA definition.
> Yes it was not a good idea to rename in the release notes.
>>> -if dpdk_conf.get('RTE_IOVA_AS_PA') == 0
>>> -    build = false
>>> -    reason = 'driver does not support disabling IOVA as PA mode'
>>> +if not get_option('enable_iova_as_pa')
>>>      subdir_done()
>>>  endif
>> Suggest keep original, and replace RTE_IOVA_AS_PA with RTE_IOVA_IN_MBUF:
>> if dpdk_conf.get('RTE_IOVA_IN_MBUF') == 0
>>      subdir_done()
>> endif
> Why testing the C macro in Meson?
> It looks simpler to check the Meson option in Meson.

The macro was create in meson.build: 
It can be regarded as alias of enable_iova_as_pa.

This commit was mainly used to improve comprehensibility. so we should limit 
the 'enable_iova_as_pa' usage scope.
and the 'if dpdk_conf.get('RTE_IOVA_IN_MBUF') == 0' is more comprehensibility 
than 'if not get_option('enable_iova_as_pa')'

>> Meson build 0.63.0 already support deprecated a option by a new option.
>> When update to the new meson verion, the drivers' meson.build will not be 
>> modified.
> I don't understand this comment.

I mean: the option "enable_iova_as_pa" need deprecated future.

Based on this, I think we should limit 'enable_iova_as_pa' usage scope, this 
allows us to
reduce the amount of change effort when it's about to deprecated.

> .

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