On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 04:43:08PM +0000, Wiles, Keith wrote:

> Please take a breath and relax as we all want the best for DPDK. 

I cannot believe how rude, asinine, and condascending your attitude
in this thread has been.  If this is the future of the DPDK community,
I'm surprised that anyone would want to be part of it.  Neil disagreed
with some of your assertions, and now you are trying to make him
seem like some sort of foolish twit that can't see beyond his own
preferred environment-- pot, kettle, black.

As for the 'millions of eyeballs' at GitHub...just how many of those
Go, Ruby, Python, and Swift developers are going to be contributing to
DPDK and all those future NFV projects?  And how many significant,
existing DPDK contributors (like Neil) are you isolating in the
process?  Do you even care?

Old-school IBM had the right motto -- THINK.

John W. Linville                Someday the world will need a hero, and you
linville at tuxdriver.com                       might be all we have.  Be ready.

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