On 5/4/15, 10:48 AM, "Matthew Hall" <mhall at mhcomputing.net> wrote:
>On Mon, May 04, 2015 at 12:43:48PM +0000, Qiu, Michael wrote: >> What mail client do you use? I think mail client supporting thread mode >> is important for patch review. > >Like many UNIX people, I use mutt. > >My concern is that, if we're making the widespread adoption, usage, and >contributions for DPDK dependent on selection or debate of the features >of >various MUAs, I'm not sure that we're looking at this from the right >angle. > >I'm just trying to figure out how to get DPDK in the place where the most >eyeballs are, rather than trying to drag the eyeballs to the place where >DPDK >is. +1, I agree with this statement completely and I feel discussions about an MUA is non-productive and out of scope. > >Matthew.