On Wed, May 06, 2015 at 10:30:04AM +0200, Simon K?gstr?m wrote:
> On 2015-05-06 10:12, Panu Matilainen wrote:
> > On 05/05/2015 07:43 PM, Wiles, Keith wrote:
> >
> >> GitHub offers a different set of processes and
> >> tools, which we do not have to create. Moving to GitHub is a change
> >> for the community and I feel a good change for the better.
> > 
> > Like quite a few others in this thread, I dont care if the git repo
> > moved to the end of internet as long as email continues to be a
> > first-class means for patch submissions, reviews and other
> > communication. It doesn't have to be the only way as clearly many people
> > prefer otherwise.
> Perhaps something like pull-request-mailer could be used to tend to both
> camps? I.e., sending out github pull requests to the mailing list for
> review:
>   https://github.com/google/pull-request-mailer

FWIW, I'm the irqbalance maintainer, and I use github for that project, because
its super low volume at this point (i.e. its mature, and doesn't really need a
mailing list).  That said, I am investigating the above mail bridge utility for
that project and will let you all know the results.

> Anyway, for me personally (as a DPDK outsider), what I feel would be the
> main improvement with using github would be that they have a very
> well-integrated bug reporting system that keeps track of e.g., the
> commit that fixes the bug etc.
> I recently submitted a build issue to the mailing list, which Olivier
> Matz promptly fixed with a patch (but which haven't been merged as far
> as I can tell). In the gihub workflow, I'd submitted a bug report
> ("Issue #13" for example), Olivier would have fixed this through a
> merge-request ("Issue #13: scripts: fix relpath.sh output when build dir
> is a symlink") and I'd acked that fix in the bug report. When the merge
> request was merged to the git repo, the bug report would be closed.
> I'm also interested in the architecture discussions etc (or the github
> debate!) on the list, but I really don't read patches sent to the list.
> So if I had a vote (which I shouldn't have :-)), I'd vote for a gradual
> move to github and a mailing list split.
> // Simon

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