> Hi, Sunil.
> Mail-list strips attachments.  So, if you want to share the presentation,
> upload it somewhere accessible and provide a link instead.

Hi , 

Thanks for the suggestion, Ilya.
Here is a publicly accessible link to the presentation: 

Thanks and regards,


> >       Hi All,
> >
> >       The goal of this meeting is to ensure that all of DPDK DMA-dev
> library, DPDK Vhost library (consuming DMA-dev for acceleration) and OVS
> (as an end user of the DPDK DMA & VHost libraries) are working well
> together; and that the maintainers & contributors to those libraries are
> aware of the design & architecture in OVS consumption.
> >
> >       https://meet.google.com/hme-pygf-bfb
> >
> >       Thanks
> >       Ian
> >

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