On 3/21/22 19:23, Pai G, Sunil wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please see attached PDF which will be presented in the call.

Hi, Sunil.

Mail-list strips attachments.  So, if you want to share the
presentation, upload it somewhere accessible and provide
a link instead.

Best regards, Ilya Maximets.

> Thanks and Regards,
> Sunil
>       -----Original Appointment-----
>       From: Stokes, Ian <ian.sto...@intel.com>
>       Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 6:47 PM
>       To: Stokes, Ian; Ilya Maximets; Maxime Coquelin 
> (maxime.coque...@redhat.com); Pai G, Sunil; Hu, Jiayu; 
> ovs-...@openvswitch.org; dev@dpdk.org
>       Cc: Kevin Traynor; Flavio Leitner; Mcnamara, John; Van Haaren, Harry; 
> Ferriter, Cian; mcoqu...@redhat.com; fleit...@redhat.com; Gooch, Stephen; 
> murali.kris...@broadcom.com; Nee, Yuan Kuok; Nobuhiro Miki; 
> wanjun...@bytedance.com; Raghupatruni, Madhusudana R; Sinai, Asaf; Pei, Andy; 
> lian...@bytedance.com; u9012...@gmail.com; hemal.s...@broadcom.com; Varghese, 
> Vipin; Jean-Philippe Longeray; Bent Kuhre; dmarc...@redhat.com; Luse, Paul E; 
> Phelan, Michael; Hunt, David
>       Subject: OVS DPDK DMA-Dev library/Design Discussion
>       When: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 2:00 PM-3:00 PM (UTC+00:00) Dublin, 
> Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.
>       Where: Google Meet
>       Hi All,
>       The goal of this meeting is to ensure that all of DPDK DMA-dev library, 
> DPDK Vhost library (consuming DMA-dev for acceleration) and OVS (as an end 
> user of the DPDK DMA & VHost libraries) are working well together; and that 
> the maintainers & contributors to those libraries are aware of the design & 
> architecture in OVS consumption.
>       https://meet.google.com/hme-pygf-bfb
>       Thanks
>       Ian
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