On 10/6/21 11:30 AM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 05/10/2021 13:11, Andrew Rybchenko:
>> On 10/5/21 1:10 PM, Ori Kam wrote:
>>> From: Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybche...@oktetlabs.ru>
>>>> On 10/5/21 12:41 PM, Ori Kam wrote:
>>>>> From: Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybche...@oktetlabs.ru>
>>>>>> On 10/5/21 11:17 AM, Ori Kam wrote:
>>>>>>> One more thing, I think this flag should be added now since you need
>>>>>>> it, I think you should report that you don't support it.
>>>>>>> since just like we talked there is no real difference between metadata 
>>>>>>> and
>>>> MARK.
>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>> It sounds like a trick :) Negative support is *not* a support in
>>>>>> fact. DPDK policy requires support of a feature in a PMD and in-tree
>>>>>> application. Of course, it is not a problem to add meta. It is really
>>>>>> easy to do. I just don't want to add it in
>>>>>> v5 to be deleted in v6 because of my above concerns.
>>>>> This was not a trick. I understand what you are saying.
>>>>> if we say that metadata is the same as mark, (I think we all agree on
>>>>> it) and that application need to notify pmd about such operations, I
>>>>> assume it will try to see how to request the metadata.
>>>> Frankly speaking I feel sick when I think about META and MARK together. Do
>>>> we really need both in DPDK?
>>> I realy don't want you the be sick,
>>> The resoun that we need both of them is that 32 in Nvidia it is only 24 
>>> bits of mark is not
>>> enough, so there is a need for more bits.
>>> I think that in the end we will go to something much more generic that the 
>>> application
>>> will just say how many bits it wants to get and this what he will get.
>>> for example the application may say it needs 128 bits and it will register 
>>> this size to the mbuf
>>> or give in the mbuf pointer two where those values should be set.
>>> In any case as you can see we have already to many changes in rte_flow in 
>>> this release and the
>>> next one, but I'm planning to push this feature in the future
>>> what do you think of such a feature?
>> I agree that there are really many changes in flow API which
>> are on review in the release cycle.
>> I hope the above idea will allow to merge MARK and META.
> I agree we should merge mark and meta in a common dynamic mbuf field.
> What do we need in mark which is not in meta?
> I think dynamic mbuf field of meta is the way to go but I prefer the name 
> "mark" :)

+1 but I don't have answer to the question

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