On 10/5/21 9:30 AM, Ori Kam wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybche...@oktetlabs.ru>
>> Sent: Monday, October 4, 2021 4:53 PM
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v3 1/5] ethdev: add API to negotiate delivery of Rx meta
>> data
>> On 10/4/21 2:39 PM, Ivan Malov wrote:
>>> On 04/10/2021 09:56, Ori Kam wrote:
>>>>> On 04/10/2021 00:04, Ori Kam wrote:
>>>>>> I understand that you are only talking about enabling the action,
>>>>>> meaning to let the PMD know that at some point there will be a rule
>>>>>> that will use the mark action for example.
>>>>>> Is my understanding correct?
>>>>> Not really. The causal relationships are as follows. The application
>>>>> comes to realise that it will need to use, say, action MARK in
>>>>> flows.
>>>>> This, in turn, means that, in order to be able to actually see the
>>>>> mark in received packets, the application needs to ensure that a)
>>>>> the NIC will be able to deliver the mark to the PMD and b) that the
>>>>> PMD will be able to deliver the mark to the application. In
>>>>> particular, in the case of Rx mark,
>>>>> (b) doesn't
>>>>> need to be negotiated = field "mark" is anyway provisioned in the
>>>>> mbuf structure, so no need to enable it. But (a) needs to be negotiated.
>>>>> Hence this
>>>>> API.
>>>> Please see my above comment I think we both agree.
>>> Agree to have the 4-th flag in the new API to cover this "custom / raw
>>> metdata" delivery? Personally, I tend to agree, but maybe Andrew can
>>> express his opinion, too.
>> Of course, it could be added, but we're not going to support it in net/sfc. 
>> So, I
>> think the flag should be added when a PMD will going to support it (e.g.
>> net/mlx5).
> I think it should be added now, and more I think that this patch should add 
> the missing function
> to all PMDs 😊

Sorry, but I disagree. Could you point out to DPDK documentation
where it is written? Should all new API be supported in all PMDs
by the API contributor?


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