Note: 1) This patch hold dmadev <> vchan layer, I think vchan can be very conceptually separated from hw-channel. 2) I could not under struct dpi_dma_queue_ctx_s, so this patch I define the rte_dma_slave_port_parameters refer to Kunpeng DMA implemention. 3) This patch hasn't include doxy related file because failed to generate a doc in my environment, could this upstream as a new patch or must solved ?
Feedback welcome, thanks On 2021/7/11 17:25, Chengwen Feng wrote: > This patch introduce 'dmadevice' which is a generic type of DMA > device. > > The APIs of dmadev library exposes some generic operations which can > enable configuration and I/O with the DMA devices. > > Signed-off-by: Chengwen Feng <> > ---