Several bugs in ring unit tests were identified and fixed.

Added data validation on objects after enqueue/dequeue operations for
data integration check.

Unit tests were enhanced by checking return value of enqueue/dequeue
operations and validating data integrity of objects.

1. add check to validate the dequeued objects in test_ring.c and fix
some bugs of it. (David/Honnappa)
2. remove the patch to change the description for the param of
rte_ring_[sp/mp]_enqueue APIs. (David/Konstantin/Honnappa)

1. Adjust the 'check dequeued objects' patch from the last to the first
in the series. (Honnappa)
2. Add the new function 'test_ring_mem_cmp to replace 'memset' and print
information of enqueue/dequeue elements if validation fails. (Honnappa)
3. Add test to validate the whether the enqueue and dequeue operation is
successful for each time. (Honnappa)
4. Expand the scope of application for the macro TEST_RING_VERIF, and
replace all ring APIs check with this macro. (Honnappa)

1. Split the 'memcmp' bug fix patch into two patches, one is memcmp
issue patch, the other is to add new function 'test_ring_mem_cmp'.

1. Adjust bug fixed patches to the first of the series, to ensure that
the back porting will go smooth. (Honnappa)

Feifei Wang (7):
  test/ring: fix wrong parameter passed to the enqueue APIs
  test/ring: fix wrong number of enq/deq elements
  test/ring: fix wrong size used in memcmp
  test/ring: add check to validate dequeued objects
  test/ring: validate the return value of enq/deq elements
  test/ring: add new function to validate dequeue data
  test/ring: improve the application of macro

 app/test/test_ring.c | 384 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 app/test/test_ring.h |   6 +-
 2 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 191 deletions(-)


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